Greece Considering Legal Action Against U.S. Banks for Crisis

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ASusilovic, May 16, 2010.

  1. The history of "Germany and Nordic countries as welfare states" has not yet been written. It's a matter of degree. Even America was OK when the welfare aspect of our society and economy were small relative to the private sector and people's expectations. A "bit" of social system support can be deemed desirable. It's when the Social state becomes too large that the system breaks down... like in Greece (and soon to be... AMERICA.. if Obama has his way).
    #21     May 17, 2010
  2. They will "find" banks guilty, and banks execs will avoid visiting greece to avoid being arrested.

    Other that that it, it will have no consequences.
    #22     May 17, 2010
  3. the1


    Good question indeed. My buddy fell on hard times because of the recession. Fortunately, he was able to get on the state insurance plan because he has kids. Good thing because he came down with gall stones and pancreatitis. Goes to the hospital, gets fixed up including a surgery. Comes home -- no medical bills. Not even for the meds he had to take. All free courtesy of the state. Not one dime came out of his pocket. Hey Scat, let's put our heads together and think whose pocket the money came out of.....ummm....oh yeah, mine and yours.

    On one hand I think plans like this are a good thing because anyone can fall on hard times. There should be a safety net but the same situation with private insurance and you come home with 1000's and 1000's in medical bills and a shit load of copays for the meds. Nothing should be free.

    #23     May 17, 2010
  4. whých state ýs your frýend lývýng?
    #24     May 18, 2010
  5. the1



    #25     May 19, 2010