Greatest Daytrader(s) in the world

Discussion in 'Trading' started by WmWaster, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. $20k/day x 250 trading days per year is $5 million. 250 trading days assumes that one never takes a vacation or a sick day, which in my experience in working with other traders is either very rare or unrealistic. Typically, if a trader says he makes $x/day, then it is the average that he makes with both his up and down days.
    #121     Jun 24, 2006
  2. Make a sticky and stick around your screen (or somewhere that is easily seen).

    It helps! :)

    Remember, discipline is your friend. Non-discipline is your enemy. So why not be disciplined!
    #122     Jun 25, 2006
  3. Yes, you are right.

    The "day" here should mean "trading day".
    #123     Jun 25, 2006