Great Depression 2 underway as of July 25, 2014

Discussion in 'Trading' started by AfterLOS, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. drcha


    You probably do have a dollar for each of them, if you have been ignoring them....
    #11     Aug 12, 2014
    Alpha Trader likes this.
  2. Europe's best export, Deflation is well on its way to the US as it was in 1929's Great Depression 1.
    Recently Germany's 2-yr bond yield went below zero to -0.004%.
    In other words, investors are effectively paying the German government to hold their money.

    German DAX now below the 200-day ema.

    #12     Aug 12, 2014
    shfly likes this.
  3. #13     Aug 12, 2014
  4. redbox


    #14     Aug 12, 2014
  5. Yes, for the US
    #15     Aug 12, 2014
  6. #16     Aug 12, 2014
  7. The next bailout will be so huge that all manner of shenanigans will become the norm. FDIC would have a hard time bailing out even 2 large banks. So what will happen? I shudder to think about the goldmine of Depositors' accounts - yeah, we're expendable.
    #17     Aug 12, 2014
    aquarian1 likes this.
  8. Handle123


    I don't see this happening at this time just yet, the 80 year depression is late, but not enough bad has happened and I haven't bought overseas home yet but I am looking, but rest assured, I will. Cause when the crap really hits the fan, people will become rabid and any common decency will be gone. Marshall law will take place, no food, it will be just like 1930s only worse cause society is NOT like the 1930s. And no amount of government intervention will help with astro debt and rising interest rates.
    #18     Aug 12, 2014

  9. Fair enough, Handle123 ...... some points in response if I may :)

    Only cracks are visible in the concrete prior to the onset of Deflation - but once public social mood changes to the negative said cracks become gaping holes that not only vehicles but towns & cities, now in this one-degree higher than 1929 Trend reversal, entire countries fall thru'. The best gauge for timing the onset of "D" has been the magnificent Dow Jones. Some say its the S&P500. Splicing British data some experts have put together a HISTORY that goes back to the 1700s for the Dow.
    #20     Aug 12, 2014