Government and Religion cannot be separated

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by unretired, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. or does it. Not just the country but unfortunately the WORLD stu, by proxy :(
    #11     Feb 15, 2010
  2. Not at all ... and Yes Gods Government is Heavenly.

    However our Government is not and in the vacuum of the Affects of Christianity
    ... the deadly religion of Humanism has wed to our current Government.

    We are a long way from our foundation and now reaping those deadly consequences.
    #12     Feb 15, 2010
  3. You mean the radical Muslims? :confused:
    #13     Feb 15, 2010
  4. Well, those issues need to be dealt with in the homes and churches of the US, which obviously is not getting the job done.
    Expecting government to solve it is a boneheaded idea.
    #14     Feb 15, 2010
  5. Not at all ... and absolutely ... if it is just some weird extremist religion or cult. That spells only danger.

    Our forefathers had a very balanced sense of budget, economics, religion and government.

    Failing to have and return to that balance has allowed Keneysian and Global bubble economics
    and evil bankers, invasive and oppressive government and power brokers a reign of destruction on this nation.

    At this juncture there is in fact a "religion of death" prevalent in this nation ... a religion of Humanism.

    I am stating that we have replaced what was working for what cannot.

    On top of that reality ... God will not bless such corruption and death dealing. (Regardless of it's religio-political affiliation)

    Doing right, being upright and having integrity and serving the People
    has made this Nation great.

    Doing corruption, theft and powerbroking has brought us to the brink of ruin.

    Separating out what instills the former allows for the latter with its curse or rewards.
    #15     Feb 15, 2010
  6. The youth of America are in economic, political and spiritual danger.
    Their future has been evaluated and negotiated as a trade instrument in a modern world model of slavery, based on derivative calculations supported by runaway Keynesian and global agenda bubble economics.

    The issue however is life and death. Economic decay is just a symptom of a much deeper problem.

    There is however hope in God. 2Chron 7:14
    However, one must ask: How did we get here? What went wrong? What is the solution?
    I will list the Wicked Ways of the Authority in America a few paragraphs below.

    The wicked ways of the “Authority in America,“ … Yes … “The Church” need be confessed and repented of.
    This is wisdom of the same heart of “Daniel the Prophet” since Judgment begins at the house of God first anyways.
    It also is the process whereby we as the Church re-consecrate our agreement with God almighty.
    It is the method wherein we as Kings and Priests act nobly and literally bring the saving power of the Cross of Jesus Christ into the situation so God Himself can correct the problems we did not deal with properly in the first place.
    As Judgment “passes over” us to the World, a harvest, a standard, and a correction is established as the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin righteousness and judgment.

    We [The Church] are called as a Nation of Kings and Priests. God’s Governmental order is Political, Spiritual and Economic.
    The vast majority of all Societies are also Political, Religious and Economic. Some by design as was ancient Israel, some more or less overt. Even the End time Anti-Christ society will have Politics, Religion and an Economic order.

    God is political. Kings are political. God and Kings are political and have economic order.
    (The below link is a copy of a home Church meeting last Sunday where we covered this. It gets going about ½ way though.)

    The American Church allowed false doctrine to rob us of our authoritative role in the Government of our Nation.
    Bear with me as I expose this further.
    Our forefathers were educated and they educated their children in these three areas along with their civil responsibilities.
    Much later many false doctrines supporting the separation of Church and state were deployed and supported by bad teaching in the church.
    Prayer was removed from schools. Multitudes of small errors such as these built up to a huge error that on the surface seems completely harmless.

    The church in America by and large opted to create 501-C3 tax exempt corporations that by definition place the secretary of the state as the head of that corporation as legal covenant.

    At that juncture the Kingly, political and commensurate civil role of the American Christian waned rapidly as did the underlying righteous weights and measures value driven economy and economic theory of Hayek.
    <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

    This vacuum left by the American church authored the entry of the anti-christ religion of humanism into our government and economics and media, producing a self feeding, entitlement, incestuous relationship of wanton gluttony with the US government and the US economy. (John F Kennedy signed an executive order and printed silver Certificates to try and stop this)

    You see, Christianity is a relationship and dispensation of a Gospel of life, producing life, producing blessing and benefit and agreeing with the favor of God. God will not bless an anti-christ religion. Humanism is a religion of death, from abortion to the economy and the freedom that America represents.

    If we … or at least a remnant do not take some ownership for these conditions and repent from this wickedness then we have failed to see the lost souls of this nation as the real treasures of Gods heart. Surely the devil sees these souls as valuable in commerce and trade. These souls of the heathen are our inheritance.
    I can guarantee that the “Hearts of the Fathers will be turned to the children” before the great and dreadful day of the Lord and that this level of maturity and ownership as Kings and Priests is the call of the hour … and yes for the unborn.

    So American Christian … if you want God to heal your Land then you must Humble yourself, you must Pray, you must seek the Face of God almighty and you must turn from your wicked and twisted ways like the one listed herein since it is foundational to the problems today … then … if you do … if you keep your covenants clean before God and repent for selling your birthright and inheritance for a “Bowl of Tax Break” pottage … then God will hear from Heaven … forgive you your sins … and heal this once Great Land. I am not kidding here … this is an absolute promise. The root of error is huge that is described herein … ponder it before you decide to react.
    #16     Feb 15, 2010
  7. They should remain "separated" or there should always be restrictions between them. Why? Because when Religion and Government join forces, they prostitute each other. When church and state combine religious tyranny rules. If we are to review the history of the Roman Catholic Church, it shows clearly how criminal activity destroys freedom when a church controls the government.
    #17     Feb 15, 2010
  8. stu


    There is something rather schizophrenically wrong with any argument, but especially a raging Christian Evangelical one , that says the philosophy which identifies people's duty to promote human welfare (Humanism) is a "religion of death".

    When communism failed in Russia, communists said it failed because it wasn't proper communism .
    Now it's religionists saying the same thing . It's not proper religion. The more religion fails , the more it isn't any fault of religion.

    The Founders wanted to keep religion away from government for good reason.
    If the balance is wrong , it 's that there is too much religion. Oppressive, authoritarian, controlling, can never be wrong, extreme right wing religion. Constantly screaming for more of itself as it fails all the more.
    #18     Feb 15, 2010
  9. Unretired, the America you envision has gone bye-bye. As much as one might want things to return back to simpler times and absolute values, it ain't coming back. Maybe God wants Christians to learn endurance, much like the first century believers had to find a way to survive under the yoke of Rome instead of running government as you suggest. That is the direction we are headed anyway.
    #19     Feb 15, 2010
  10. Yes. Good point and sad to say ... History ... well ... is History ... however a revolution back to a foundation is safer,
    less messy and deadly than a revolution with no roots.

    A quiet "evolution revolution" is what we have been experiencing and
    it doesn't work the direction we have evolved.

    If we don't roll it back and clean it up we will need to roll it forward and clean it up or have violent change.

    Of those three I still hold hope to roll it back to what has been proven to work.

    Rolling it forward in our current stride likely will lead to a disturbingly malignant and oppressive government and internal revolution with violence.
    #20     Feb 15, 2010