Gotta love ZERO RISK in the SP500 = $$$

Discussion in 'Trading' started by makloda, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. mymajia


    All they have to do is go long the major averages and week after week they can collect risk free money from bosses no dealing with annoying Co workers no wear and tear on your car, you can spend time with your family and take up that hobby you always wanted to do.
    #4481     Dec 23, 2014
    EqtTrdr likes this.
  2. mymajia


    #4482     Dec 24, 2014
    EqtTrdr likes this.
  3. S2007S


    More free money and fresh highs right ahead if Christmas ...I mean it can't get better than this. Free money from wallstreet on Christmas Eve...fuck that's the best Christmas gift you can free money.

    Everyone can get free Christmas gifts from wallstreet. No need to wait for Santa when you have yellen propping up wallstreet.

    Keep buying. Zero risk every single day and more zero risk in 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021. I think you get the point. Free money and zero risk forever.
    #4483     Dec 24, 2014

  4. I love no bosses or coworkers and just sitting around all day doing whatever I want...!!!!

    I love that my country gives me FREE MONEY with ZERO risk from the stock market$$$ My maid and butler just upped and left because they were tired of working for their money.. they both went long indexes FULL margin after maxing out their lines of credit and they are KILLING it too... they love FREE money with ZERO risk of loss.

    This market is making it VERY hard for me to keep my home properly staffed!!!

    I should just put an ad on ET hiring permabears to clean my house... they need jobs.

    PSA - this holiday season, please dont forget to do a good deed for your local permabear.. they REALLY need your help
    #4484     Dec 24, 2014
  5. Futures closing soon, a little pre-xmas sellage about to go
    #4485     Dec 24, 2014
  6. Nine_Ender


    It's going to take that many years for you to recoup all the money you lost shorting the market from 2009-2013. That is, if you really trade at all, and every sign is that you don't. Your whole act has always been fantasy based evaluations of strength of the economy and claiming mounds of people were fools losing money. Your latest joker idea was that interest rates should be between 5-7% based on absolutely NOTHING.

    You should get a better education and stop posting hysteria on here.
    #4486     Dec 24, 2014
  7. newwurldmn


    Actually I think she was long biased. She was THAT bad at picking stocks.
    #4487     Dec 24, 2014
  8. mymajia


    You should feel luckly to live in america because your trading time fits you, if I lived in america, my trading record would be better. And you even have maid and bulter? Next time don't tell your maid and bulter that you trade in the stock market so that they won't make enough money and leave...
    #4488     Dec 24, 2014
  9. drcha


    Sure feels like 1999. I remember going to the gym and these housewives asking me if they could change the channel to CNBC so they could cheerlead their QCOM stock. The elves know how this ends.....
    #4489     Dec 24, 2014
    i960 likes this.
  10. blakpacman


    "Soured investments include a loss of more than $2 million on Conn’s Inc. (CONN), an electronics retailer that dropped 56 percent in that period."
    On the interview: Her fund "lost a couple million dollars on that alone and it's not a huge fund."

    We add Meredith Whitney to the CONN casualties.
    #4490     Dec 24, 2014