Gotta love ZERO RISK in the SP500 = $$$

Discussion in 'Trading' started by makloda, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. too bad all the negative nancy's dont like free money
    #4471     Dec 22, 2014
  2. S2007S


    Ahhh more free money...5 days in a row. Up nearly 1000 points. I mean how much better can they make it with all these new fresh record highs every single week. 50 RECORD CLOSINGS FOR THE S$P THIS YEAR. that's like one new record closing every single week. Imagine if it had a record low every week? That's impossible because the fed would have QE 92 already out there. No such thing as new lows. Only new highs.

    Also check out that 5% gdp # this morning.
    Zero interest rates, jobs booming. Unemployment at almost historical lows...earnings up huge and markets at historical highs and here we have 5% gdp with rates at 00000000% ...wake the fuck up and get interest rates to where they belong. If this was a real economy the gdp would be pushing 5% with 5, 6 7% interest rates. This economy is nothing but a fairy tale. Show me 5% gdp with rates above 4% and ill believe it until then this is just a propped up economy at its best.

    Thank you Greenspan and bubble ben bernanke and now yelllen for giving wallstreet what it always wants. Free easy money making policies ...
    #4472     Dec 23, 2014
  3. mymajia


    I love fairy tale, everybody loves fairy tale, don't they? Don't you wanna create a story at your will and will never happen in the reality in the market?
    #4473     Dec 23, 2014
  4. Aj2014


    this could be a nice level to get long from, looking for the next major breakout to the upside
    #4474     Dec 23, 2014
    EqtTrdr likes this.
  5. US economy is the best its EVER been in the entire history of the United States... anyone who doesn't think so is a "commie" and can "Git owwt"!

    As a result US markets are WAAAAY undervalued at these levels.

    Go Merica'
    #4475     Dec 23, 2014
    makloda likes this.
  6. S2007S


    Yes indeed ..6 year bull market...
    Markets up hundreds of % stocks up thousands and thousands of percent and there is still room. Imagine another 200% gain in the s$p in the next 5 years...
    Dow up nearly 1000 points in the last 4 can't make this up. Zero risk. I have no clue why anyone works these days. All they have to do is go long the major averages and week after week they can collect risk free money from bosses no dealing with annoying Co workers no wear and tear on your car, you can spend time with your family and take up that hobby you always wanted to do. Why punch a clock when all you have to do is click a button to buy everything and anything on wallstreet and collect free cash....its free. Dow 19000 by Valentine's day, Dow 20000 by St Patty's day...Dow 21000 July 4th
    Dow 22000 by labor day Dow 23,000 by Halloween Dow 24,000 by Thanksgiving and December 25th 2015 Dow 25,000

    And that's where the Dow ends in 2015....any dip will be met with QE and a halt in any rise in interest rates ....
    Sit back and collect your free money. Thank all the central bankers with fruit baskets and candy canes next year. They deserve it by keeping the world economies propped up.
    #4476     Dec 23, 2014
  7. S2007S


    Santa clause rally getting on the way even though the Dow is up nearly 1000 points in 4 days ..

    According to the 2015 Stock Trader’s Almanac, since 1969 the Santa Claus rally has yielded positive returns in 34 of the past 44 holiday seasons—the last five trading days of the year and the first two trading days after New Year’s. The average cumulative return over these days is 1.6%, and returns are positive in each of the nine days of the rally, on average. Nevertheless, each year there is at least one day of declines.Alternative research over a longer period confirms the persistence of these trends: According to historical data going back to 1896, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has gained an average of 1.7% during this seven-day trading period, rising 77% of the time.
    #4477     Dec 23, 2014
  8. bull market is just getting started

    nasdaq hasnt even cracked 5,000

    snoop dogg created a stock trading app

    "500,000 ... are on the app's waitlist"

    wait until stock trading app makes buying stock easier than a tweet
    imagine millions trading not tweeting

    wait until kanye west starts day trading

    1999 will look like the great depression compared to this bubble

    100% up room to go
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
    #4478     Dec 23, 2014
    Aj2014 likes this.
  9. Aj2014


    #4479     Dec 23, 2014
  10. S&P500 up, long bonds down (zero inflation) , gold down (zero inflation), dollar up (American capitalism working well despite all the naysayers). What's not to like?

    US equities are still massively undervalued here. Consumer is on fire, shale revolution will continue, oil stays sub $80 in 2015 = zero inflation, Fed keeps rates at 0% and rest of the world is imploding, dollar index to 100, gold sub $1000 as pessimists realize it has zero value. Stock market bearishness is still massive, people don't trust this rally and hate this market.

    This is the ideal recipe for a gigantic melt-up in 2015. +20-30% is in the cards for next year and that is probably being pessimistic. Hugely undervalued here.
    #4480     Dec 23, 2014