Gotta love ZERO RISK in the SP500 = $$$

Discussion in 'Trading' started by makloda, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. samuel11


    Today's rally is sponsored by "Santa tell me" (Selena Gomez)
    #4431     Dec 18, 2014
  2. noddyboy


    So did you go short?
    #4432     Dec 18, 2014
  3. blakpacman


    Stocks repricing higher based on 2 things:
    1) Fed was more dovish than expected.
    2) China willing to bail out Russia, which was believed to be replaying the 1998 default.
    #4433     Dec 18, 2014
  4. Why is santa missing from the list ?
    #4434     Dec 18, 2014
  5. S2007S

    S2007S I only sold. Went long CVOL yesterday but only about 1/2 position ...

    Today I sold 4 out of 6 longs. Most were sold this morning...
    SOXL UP $1.50 from where I sold it
    SPXL UP $3.00 from where I sold it
    XIV flat from where I sold it
    TNA UP about .50 from where I sold it...

    So I left some money on the table. With 3x and 2x etfs you just never know.....
    SPXL is $10 higher from its low just a few days ago TNA same thing SOXL same thing...

    Its funny when you see people jumping into the market after a 700+ point rally in 2 days and just 3-4 days ago they wanted nothing to do with the market....stocks are already up 5-20% in only 2 days....holding TQQQ and ERX. These markets are not buy and hold. If oil drops below $50 this market is going to fall apart. This whole rally is nothing but fed manipulation by them saying we haven't a clue when were going raise rates....the answer is plain and simple ..they give the markets what they want. They aren't going to raise rates in 2015. That's all talk. That's all it is. With a $4,000,000,000,000 balance sheet where are they where. They have no exit plan...QE 4 before rates go to 1% that's my prediction ....

    As for shorts im holding off I think...I would be truly baffled to see another 200-300 point gain tomorrow but with this market you never know. Might wait until the Dow reaches 18k + to add shorts....but also might take a little bite and add a short or two tomorrow ...I predicted a 3% rally last week after fed meeting and it happened..

    Buys for me are SRTY under $30
    JDST UNDER $15
    CVOL HOLD A POSITION buying more under $1
    TVIX hold a position will buy at $2 or when vix gets down to 12

    Will let go of TQQQ above $100+ tomorrow


    Again oil dropping under $50 will set up for heavy selling. This rally is nothing but fed talk. Sell will be able to buy October lows again...once this fed bubble unwinds you will be able to buy everything a lot lower than October lows...
    #4435     Dec 18, 2014
  6. In the most simplistic terms, I think it is a little early to even 'leg in' selling.

    Cheap oil has been GREAT for the markets. Lower is going to be GREAT for the markets.

    Gartman $10 oil. (Fusion 10 years off or less)

    Putin said: peeps prepare for 40 bucks.

    In 86 the oil glut got us to $7 a barrel (about $20 today). There is more crude and more is coming. More energy source options to replace crude (same as crude replaced another energy source when it came online not that long ago).
    #4436     Dec 18, 2014
  7. blakpacman


    Her name is Yellen Claus.
    #4437     Dec 18, 2014
  8. send Auntie Janet a xmas card
    #4438     Dec 18, 2014
  9. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    This stuff is too funny.
    #4439     Dec 18, 2014
  10. mymajia


    She makes everyone happy...
    #4440     Dec 18, 2014