Gotta love ZERO RISK in the SP500 = $$$

Discussion in 'Trading' started by makloda, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. hajimow


    I predict 5135 for close
    #26481     May 3, 2024
  2. SunTrader


    You really believe the shit you say huh?
    #26482     May 3, 2024
  3. Yes, this failure of a drop is completely over. I'm not even sure we see levels that were just hit yesterday again ever again or for a very long time. A day like today is game, set, match for any potential bear thesis. Like it's so over. Any dip going forward will get bought, if your'e lucky to even see another one. This has to be the biggest joke of a "bear market" ever. Lasted what, not even 2 weeks? Even to get the Q's below 430 again would be an incredible accomplishment.
    #26483     May 3, 2024
  4. SunTrader


    WTF is talking about a bear market? :D

    Geezus u r clueless.
    #26484     May 3, 2024
  5. schizo


    LAMO You really are suffering from amnesia. Or are you just shameless? It was only last month that you said we would NEVER EVER SEE THE MARKET GO DOWN IN OUR LIFETIME. And yet it did.

    The f@ck is wrong with you? Ya need to get yer head checked out.

    #26485     May 3, 2024
  6. You're right it did go down just to make another record V. So sure it went down, but 2 weeks later it's like it never happened.

    If you want to take it a step further, it dropped the first week of the year! Yes it did, only to make a rapid V. So sure it might at some point have another drop like we saw, but it will never have any type of long correction and we will never be in a situation where it won't rapidly recover.
    #26486     May 3, 2024
  7. Yall gotta stop feeding this troll.

    Its like this self fulfilling prophecy of triggering yourselves :caution:
    #26487     May 3, 2024
  8. SunTrader


    I'm thinking v-bot, that has blown a chip, circuit board, fuse, something, left it out of its dictionary.


    ! Vbot.jpg
    #26488     May 3, 2024
  9. schizo


    Yeah, like how the Nasdaq magically erased all its losses in 2 years time (see below). Given enough time, they all come back, ya know. But you're missing the BIG PICTURE. The market can stick its head in its you-know-where much longer than you can stay solvent.


    Even more interesting is the fact that this quick pullback we're seeing is not really a V, but could be just another breather before the next eventual plunge, like in the following scenario. Ofc that doesn't rule out the fact that we could still go back up to ATH, but your unadulterated hogwash that this market can NEVER go back down is one for the books.

    #26489     May 3, 2024
  10. I've always been a big believer in weekly chart. I'm just in shock how quickly QQQ went from 420-436 in like 24 hours real time. It would never be able to fall like that in the same time. I continue to be amazed how aggressive and fast this market rises. It happened with such ease. My goodness. On the way down this has to spike and fall like 20 times. It could never happen where it would fall like that in a day and then actually hold the drop.

    I'm not trolling. I legit have never seen seen a week flip on a dime like that. It's truly unbelievable and no one anywhere seems to realize or appreciate how insane that was.
    #26490     May 3, 2024