Well, I got tired quickly of being Rs8.5. Rs7 worked for me for a good spell, but the versioin 8.5 just didn't sit well with me. Who knows why? So I figured "Error 404" would be a cool new handle. So I register, and sign in, and in the upper right corner, it says "Welcome to our newest member:" Error 404 I am signed in for about 11 seconds, and I get the following PM: Good to know guys here have such fine work ethics. Always keeping an eye out for a new opportunity to sell something! And all that for only $1250 (free overnight shipping!) And it was only his second post! Quick on the draw!!! He's selling this to me, and buying it from whom? http://elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16803 Guess he didn't think that much of the course. Notice later that very same day, a page later: Peace, RSx.x (newbie)
See how it works out. I am on vacatioin from trading until the first week of July, so I figured anything goes. RS