GOP senator: Reagan wouldn't identify with today's GOP

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, May 14, 2012.

  1. jem


    I know this seems strange to you.

    But, since I was in junior high school we have been a debtor nation. We have put up with cheating lying backboneless politicians and their supportive media.

    The answer is live within our means... What else could it be. More taxes won't get us to balance. We have to cut spending. Otherwise we continue to debase our country and our standard of living.

    This is so important to me, that I am starting to feel the need to run for office. I have 4 kids and I look around and all I see is selfish bastard politicans handing out free ice cream to get elected and making our kids pay for they campaign promises.

    Its not only selfish cynical theft, its dumb... they are choking off economic growth.
    #51     May 16, 2012