GOP senator: Reagan wouldn't identify with today's GOP

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, May 14, 2012.

  1. Been saying this for months, do a search. Even tried to tell Max. But he has gotten the memo and gone off the cliff with rest of em. The party that Reagan built has become a Santorumstein.
    #41     May 15, 2012
  2. jem


    You may have already studied the numbers... I have not.
    But it looks to me that while sweeden was taxing the hell out of its people its economy hardly grew and that since the recession... its tax cutting and spending decrease, restored growth.
    #42     May 15, 2012
  3. Lucrum



    You've been saying a lot of shit for months. Most of it documented lies.
    #43     May 15, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    Oh he has, it's one of his favorite go to cherry picked countries.
    That's NOT the part he wanted you to notice.
    #44     May 15, 2012
  5. Ricter


    Came across the following just now:

    "The Secret to Sweden's Success: Currency Debasement
    By Matthew Yglesias
    Posted Tuesday, May 15, 2012, at 4:16 PM ET

    "In an interview with Ezra Klein, Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma is too sophisticated to argue that massive immediate fiscal retrenchment is needed to avoid a national default or bankruptcy. Instead he worries that massive immediate fiscal retrenchment is needed to prevent a collapse in the value of the dollar. He argues that Japan is due for such a currency crisis very soon and that the United States will follow. He warns darkly of money-printing and inflation. And he praises the approach of the center-right government of Sweden.

    "But guess how Sweden weathered the crisis? That's right, <a target="_blank" href=";chdd=1&amp;chds=1&amp;chdv=1&amp;chvs=Linear&amp;chdeh=0&amp;chfdeh=0&amp;chdet=1337112256212&amp;chddm=3034057&amp;cmpto=CURRENCY:SEKUSD&amp;cmptdms=0&amp;q=CURRENCY:SEKEUR&amp;ntsp=0">massive currency devaluation:</a>

    <img src="">

    "And good for them! But this just goes to show how confused Coburn is. When you're talking about a depressed economy that has a lot of idle resources—unemployed workers, vacant office and retail space, factories running below capacity, cranes going unused—then a currency depreciation helps reactivate the idle resources and generate a higher level of real output."
    #45     May 15, 2012
  6. Lugar just got defeated the other day by some Tea Party loon. In all my time here I don't remember reading a single bad thing about Lugar from any of the far right nuts who inhabit this forum, so I don't think anyone regarded him as a RINO. I admit I could be wrong about that, seeing as how I don't hang out in the trailer parks in the swamps or the desert (long as its cheap and in a no income tax state, right? as if you'd ever actually owe any...) where this sort of thing gets bandied about while these "traders" polish their guns.
    Yet he's gone.
    #46     May 15, 2012
  7. Lucrum

    #47     May 15, 2012
  8. String em up. Yeeehaaah!!!!
    #48     May 15, 2012
  9. jem


    This is an interesting point.
    So is it possible to lower taxes, decrease spending and debase your currency at the same time.

    That was change vis a vis the Euro... Is that when the Euo was spiking relative to the us as well?

    If so lets do it once we bolster our export sector.

    #49     May 16, 2012
  10. Ricter


    You mentioned the other day that you saw a word you liked, perhaps one you hadn't seen before: tendentious.

    Allow me to introduce another rather obscure word: monomaniacal.

    : )
    #50     May 16, 2012