GOP Rep: If American people dont vote our way, States may have to secede

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hermit, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. Yes, as 'wage earners' working for wages, I would not be surprised if they make more than the average worker as most Liberals have government jobs that pay 2/3rds more than the private sector, or they are tax evading socialist celebrities, yet the demographic of the non-liberal business owners and other true wealth creators are the highest earners by twice the income. I'm sure Libs won't mind paying a bit higher in taxes because the highest rates they screech for will not hit them.
    #11     Jul 24, 2010
  2. Yea, it has nothing to do with the fact that they are the most educated group, since we all know education and wages can be no way related. The only reason they can only have government jobs is since private sector jobs require you to have failed high school, I am following your logic now. :D
    #12     Jul 24, 2010

  3. You are confusing education when it is actually brainwashing, indoctrination, peer pressure to join and follow the cult! You Kool-Aid drinkers crack me up!
    #13     Jul 24, 2010
  4. Is this why the self proclaimed leaders of the Conservative movement like Limbaugh,Beck etc are college dropouts?
    #14     Jul 24, 2010
  5. Great post. The Washngton, DC metro area has among the highest average incomes in the country, yet produces almost nothing of any value. Whether it's overpaid bureaucrats, lobbyists, attorneys or the media, their income is almost entirely parasitic. If they only acted as a revenue drain, it might be more tolerable, but they also produce, impose aqnd enforce the very policies that are killing the rest of the country.
    #15     Jul 24, 2010
  6. List of states with highest budget deficits.

    rhode island

    #16     Jul 24, 2010
  7. Source?
    #17     Jul 24, 2010
  8. No idea what the source of that list is, but regardless:

    Cali - run by a Republican, and regularly switches between the parties.
    Arizona - pretty much a perpetually Republican state, but they're still in trouble.
    NJ - our governors have mostly been Republicans. Florio and Corzine were both one-termers. So, most of the budget mess belongs to them; Christie Whitman was the one who decided borrowing against the state pension fund was a kewl idea, and now we're stuck with the consequences of that crazy crap decision, to take just one example.
    Florida - Jeb Bush, and now Crist. Republican all the way.

    So, I'm not sure what point that list has.
    #18     Jul 24, 2010
  9. jem


    ca has been run by a democrat legislature since the beginning of it demise from a well run state.

    don't even think of blaming our problems on a arnold. He was ineffective but he is not the problem.

    I looked at that liberals are educated poll. It's conclusions are highly suspect.

    It has some really odd suspect categories such as upbeats? Those upbeats looked quite educated. How much would you like to bet most of those upbeats were not liberals and were carved into a new class to dilute the non liberal side?

    That poll was garbage.
    #19     Jul 24, 2010
  10. Florida? Arizona? Texas, now that they're running a huge deficit?
    Anecdote <> data.
    #20     Jul 24, 2010