GOP lawyer drafts Obama impeachment

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bearice, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. A prominent libertarian constitutional lawyer and civil libertarian has drafted an article of impeachment against President Obama over his attack on Libya, throwing down a legal gauntlet that could be picked up by some Congressional Republicans

    Bruce Fein, a former Reagan administration official in the Department of Justice and chairman of American Freedom Agenda writes in his 15-page argument of Obama's course that "Barack Hussein Obama has mocked the rule of law, endangered the very existence of the Republic and the liberties of the people, and perpetrated an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor."

    Fein is a small-government conservative who worked on the impeachment of President Bill Clinton and also called for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, and his work doesn't represent the Republican Party line. But it comes as some Republicans on the Hill, led by Senator Rand Paul, object vociferously to Obama's decision to strike targets in Libya without Congressional authorization.

    "He's been more bold than any other president," said Fein, who said Obama has failed to secure congressional approval for his military action in a much more brazen way than previous administrations.
  2. Senators ask Holder for more pornography prosecutions

    Nearly half of the members of the U.S. Senate are urging Attorney General Eric Holder to step up federal prosecutions of adult pornography.

    In a letter sent to Holder earlier this week, 42 senators encouraged Holder instruct prosecutors and FBI agents to counter what the lawmakers called "the growing scourge of obscenity in America." Anti-pornography activists have noted with alarm that, under President Barack Obama, the Justice Department has not filed a single new obscenity case anywhere in the country.

    "We write to urge the Department of Justice vigorously to enforce federal obscenity laws against major commercial distributors of hardcore adult pornography," the senators wrote. "We believe it is imperative that the Department, with cooperation by the FBI, investigate and prosecute all major producers and distributors of adult obscenity. We need your leadership."
  3. That should help our economy.
  4. Pornography is the real cancer that is destroying world economy and some world leaders say terrorism is the cancer.

    Terrorists kill instantly/immediately whereas pornography kills people everyday for 10 years and more and ultimately people die.
  5. This is the most incredible gem that you have produced so far...

    Seriously, do you come up with this sh1t all by yourself?

  6. . . :D . . Just how many 15 minutes of fame does this loser bruce wants...:)
  7. God helps me. How can I fight the world alone?
  8. More lawyers graduating than there are things for them to do, they'll start inventing creative ways to keep themselves relevant.
    Alligning with the right surely pays better.
  9. My father is the biggest idiot in the world that is the reason I am the most intelligent person in the world because my Mother is highly intelligent than me.
  10. :p :p :p :p :p

    Well, that just made my day.
    #10     Apr 10, 2011