GOOGLEFINANCE() on Google Sheet Stopped Working?

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by Cyrix, May 3, 2018.

  1. Cyrix


    Since a few days a go, GOOGLEFINANCE() functions only returns data up to 04/30/2018. No data from May is returned.
    For example: =GOOGLEFINANCE("ibm", "price", TODAY()-30, TODAY(), "DAILY") only gets me data from 04/03 to 04/30.

    Anyone knows why?
    • Google Finance has been scaling back for a few months.
    • Yahoo Finance is going to launch a subscription service.
  2. Cyrix


    Probably not the same issue.
    The Google sheet function problem has happened just for a few days, not months.
  3. cvds16


    Are you sure it's not working, mine seems to be doing fine. Try a refresh page ...

    • Days will turn into months.
    • IMO ...... Google is going to drop Google Finance.
  4. cvds16


    no point in spreading rumours when everything is working fine ...
  5. DaveV


    i don't use the GOOGLEFINANCE spreadsheet function, but I do use the Google Finance web site for fetching quotes. I have noticed that as of two days ago, the site no longer returns any EOD quotes more recent than April 30th. The intraday quotes however, still work.