Good torture, bad torture

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pekelo, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. Pekelo


    Quote from AAAintheBeltway:

    No one is advocating torture as punishment.

    At least 2 of us were. What's wrong with torture as punishment?
    It might work better than just doing time. The timesaver part was already mentioned...

    Of course civilized societies reject it out of hand.

    Well, let's see: not allowing smoking in prisons for heavy smokers sure counts as torture, and we probably would ALL agree, that it is GOOD torture...

    How about being in solitary confinement? That is torture for sure, and most "civilized" societies allow it....
    #21     Sep 29, 2006
  2. man


    the problem is that this inevitably gets out of
    hand. there is no a little more here, since it is
    terrorists and a little less here, since it is just a
    normal murderer. this does not work. you hand
    over power to executives and then they have it.

    btw torture has very different forms and the "art"
    is to leave no traces. and all this:

    "To force him to listen to loud music? To keep a light on in his room? To slap him around a little? To stage mock executions?"

    can have devastating effects on the human brain
    if used intensively enough. we are not talking about
    having some loud music for an hour or two. we
    are talking about 24/7 sensoric terror. i really hope
    you are not as naive as you sound, if i may say so.
    this: "hey, some music, some barking, big deal"-thing
    is ... shocking. and if i may dare to say so: naive.

    an aspect you completely leave out of the equation
    is that torture as a means to get out useful is very
    questionable. tortured people, from a certain point
    on, simply tell you everything you want. and the
    torturer has no means whatsoever to distinguish
    between what is right or wrong, because the lines
    start to blur for the victim himself.

    there is no such thing as "good" torture.
    there is no excuse for guantamo bay and
    it is purely shocking that there needs to be
    a public debate on geneva and torture in the
    United States Of America in the 21st century.
    #22     Sep 29, 2006