Here's a few that have fairly nice daily ranges and offer many opportunities to make a buck or two: BRCD, BRCM, EBAY, GENZ, GILD, MXIM, NVDA, NVLS, PSFT, QCOM, SYMC, VRSN, VRTS
every week is different. This past week, and maybe next: TYC and WCOM. WCOM is great for large share sizes, tight trading ranges. TYC moves fast when it starts to move. It's been like NVDA on steroids the past two weeks. Also, OVER has been interesting to daytrade. It dopped 13 points in one day the other day and was great to scalp whenever it started to move up while the tick was positive. If you trade NVDA my one advice is to paper trade it for awhile. That stock truly is a daytrader's dream but can quickly turn to nightmare if you don't know what you are doing. Typically it starts the day by moving up fast in the direction of the futures, then falling fast, then establishing a tight range before breaking out in one direction around 2. Any other thoughts on NVDA?
Yikes...all those 4 letter symbols.....too much for my heart!! AOL, MWD, GS, LEH, GE, .....all good trading stocks. We suggest never trading IBM (sorry) since it is controlled pretty much by the traders on the CBOE (options pit)....and is harder to tape read.
The same old favorites as usual. CIEN has been my favorite for a couple of years. To get an idea what others are day trading visit Jay's Nightly Briefing Also, check the Most Active at the NASDAQ website
If you can trade IBM profitably, you have my respect. Although I have traded IBM profitably (so far, small profits,) I have always felt like I was ontop of a very large and angry animal with it's balls tied in a tight noose. As to the others in the list above, I find them all very tradable, EXCEPT GS, which can spike against the trend for seemingly no reason, and then keep going like a runaway train. GS is great for mo traders tho. nitro
Although QQQ is not volatile, many people exclusively focus on it for any of intraday or swing trading, discretionary or systematic trading.