Good News! Bible spared "indecent" classification

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by I am..., May 18, 2007.

  1. achilles28


    We have to try, friend.

    Its always at the height of oppression that people turn from apathy to resistance. And then revolution.

    We're pretty close now. Its at these points when the Truth becomes the Great Equalizer to money in the political process.

    We're not quite there yet, but getting close.

    As far as Bush and Christian Right. I wouldn't worry too much.

    Google Bohemian Grove. It might scare you more than the Religious right!!

    Bush is a fake Christian. He used them to get votes.
    #11     May 19, 2007

  2. I have to disagree there.
    At the height of oppression, resistance is at its strongest, and then, once crushed, apathy must return, there is no alternative to direct theats of violence, blackmail etc.

    Been there, done it.

    Thats my experience, at any rate.
    Bohemian grove, what, a bunch of drunk ex-frat boys(or girls) playing out some pretend heathen festival?

    I dont much care, not when the direct association of bildeberger/fundamentalists seem to be so close, much less the clear links from bush senior (and grandpappy) to these kind of organisations, dating back so far.

    By all means, do your best, just know who your dealing with first, or you might live to regret it.

    Not trying to rain on anyones parade, im just saying what i know.
    #12     May 19, 2007
  3. In times of mass deception, truth is revolutionary.
    #13     May 19, 2007
  4. That aphorism dates to at least 450 BC, in various forms.

    Nothing is revolutionary, its all been done before. Except ebay-nothing, to my knowledge has created such a universal marketplace.

    Thats kind of beside the point though.
    #14     May 19, 2007
  5. achilles28


    Well, this is my first time coming face-to-face with the reality of what I know to be true.

    Our American Forebearers went head-to-head with King George the 3rd and won their freedom.

    French Peasantry and Serfs revolted against the Monarchic Aristocracy and eventually won their freedoms.

    Its a matter of choice.

    Do we collectively lay down and cave to threats and intimidation?

    Or do we stand and fight as Free Men?

    What makes you dismiss the agenda of the Bildebergers so easily?
    #15     May 19, 2007
  6. Dismiss it? Its effectively a secret society, how would i even know exactly what their agenda is? Im working on the simple idea, that to have had so many bilders/bonessman in power over modern history, they clearly have too much power, no matter what their agenda.
    They might be truly benevolent boy scouts for all i know, but actions speak louder than words, and it appears not to be the case.
    Maybe there the best of a bad bunch, but without delving into conspiracy, how exactly did they get all this influence?
    #17     May 21, 2007
  7. jem


    It is sort of strange to me to read this stuff.

    Luther and the protestant revolution freed people from not just the Catholic Church but all sort of controlling govts.

    The reformation - lead to the thoughts that individual had rights. It was their line of reformers who made america. it was american ideals that freed the world. the fact that individuals had rights, to free speech and worship as they chose.

    And yet many seem to blame Christians for their freedom.

    Such nonsense they much teach in schools these days.
    #18     May 21, 2007
  8. Personal belief can be liberating. Organized "belief" seeks to control. When the "righteous" seek to institutionalize religious instruction in schools they seek to control. Intelligent Design is just one cog in the big wheel scheme of things. I suppose that, to the extent some people need to be controlled and led, organized "belief" can be liberating on some level, and its various and attempted impositions can bring comfort in the form of structure. But what about the rest? Is "freedom" to one at the expense of the freedom of another? I suspect that "true believers" will not even understand the question, since infidels will burn in hell anyway so why should they matter.
    #19     May 21, 2007
  9. " Intelligent Design is just one cog in the big wheel scheme of things."


    The idea of design is nothing new, and has been discussed for thousands of years by philosophers with no grand scheme behind their thought process, therefore it is not some cog in a big wheel scheme.

    It is the controlling atheists who fear alternative theories being offered in the school system.

    #20     May 21, 2007