Good free source to compare stock quotes

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by TraDaToR, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. TraDaToR



    I am looking for a free website where you can create your protfolio of stocks and compare the datas with IB feed( particularly previous day closing print ). Right now, I am using yahoo quotes and there are a lot of errors( on yahoo side ).

    Do you know any free website with great quality of delayed data?

  2. just21


    google barchart marketwatch freestockcharts bloomberg reuters wsj the list is endless.
  3. TraDaToR


    Thanks a lot. Is there one you can trust more than other? I was looking for someone to say " I have been using X for y years, I never found a false quote compared to the exchange".
  4. just21


    TraDaToR likes this.
  5. TraDaToR


    Thanks. I couldn't find it yesterday.