Goldman's crimes

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by risk1, Dec 24, 2009.

  1. risk1


    Will they ever be prosecuted?

    Readers may have noticed Janet Tavakoli’s recent article at Huffington Post on Goldman Sachs and AIG. While much of it covers territory that Yves and I already wrote about previously, Ms. Tavakoli stops short of telling the whole story. While she is very knowledgeable of this market, perhaps she is unaware of the full extent of the wrongdoings Goldman committed by getting themselves paid on the AIG bailout. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury aided and abetted Goldman Sachs in committing financial and ethical crimes at an astounding level.

    She notes, accurately, that Goldman used AIG to hedge its bet on CDO’s, either for itself with the Abacus deals, or for its clients, with the Davis Square deal. Had AIG failed, Goldman would have been on the hook for the losses: to execute the CDO with synthetic mortgage bonds, Goldman went “long” the CDS and then turned around and went “short” with AIG, effectively taking the risk of the mortgage bonds defaulting and then transferring it to AIG.

    But Ms. Tavakoli fails to note that the collapse of the CDO bonds and the collapse of AIG were a deliberate strategy by Goldman. To realize on their bet against the housing market, Goldman needed the CDO bonds to collapse in value, which would cause AIG to be downgraded and lead to AIG posting collateral and Goldman getting paid for their bet.
  2. The question is....

    How does one prosecute FASCISM....????

    The police.... are policing the police....


    And to qualify it further....has happened due to flaws in govt. design....

    Govt. design must be changed in order to prevent further similar episodes....

    In order to create $billions in revenues....there has to be
    instruments made available to create them....out of which monetary conflicts and fair dealing come into question....

    There is nothing wrong with creating all high and low quality instruments....and making the risks clear.... design.....and govt. regulatory come into question....

    Clearly many previous GS employees were also employed in the govt. supervision arena.........

    There you have it....FASCISM.....
  4. It's called Deep capture, where the bodies that are to be regulated gradually control the regulators.....and media.

    People now are starting to realize what we said years ago. Too bad it's too late.