Goldman to be paid $1bn if CIT fails

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ByLoSellHi, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. C6H12O6


    I noticed that you can use the same arguments to defend the Mafia.
    Funny, isn't it ?
    #11     Oct 5, 2009
  2. you gotta be kidding. What GS did is not illegal (and that is why some of you are heated up I guess) vs. ....well, enough said...

    Dude, I am so lucky to be in the same market than you and your companions, seriously, I consider that an honor!!!

    #12     Oct 5, 2009
  3. CIT would not have survived on the GS deal. It's a simple transfer payment scheme. GS puts in some BS "bailout" to CIT with heavy covenants then their boy Geitner comes in and does the real bailout via taxpayer's money that allows CIT to survive longer. However, it is going BK regardless and the only reason that these private & public bailout games are being played is so that some more money can be squeezed out of the POS.

    The bottom line is simple. How is GS being paid out? Where is the money coming from? And who is losing it? It's common sense. Treasuries preferred stock is worthless while GS gets a billion dollars. That's taxpayer money GS is getting, again.
    #13     Oct 5, 2009
  4. Sounds like your papertrading is going well.
    #14     Oct 5, 2009
  5. dealmaker


    Goldman saw an opportunity when everyone else, including the government walked away.
    #15     Oct 5, 2009
  6. total nonsense. So if GS is so smart to pull money out of everyone's pockets how dumb is that people like you on the street look like? If you think the law misrepresents you and misuses your funds why dont you take the law into your own hands, shoot some Goldman MDs and feel happy instead of wining around here? It seriously starts to sound pathetic.


    #16     Oct 5, 2009
  7. I gotta wonder about your deal making skills with such your obvious lack of reading comprehension.
    #17     Oct 5, 2009
  8. Once again, sycophant boy. How is GS getting paid out if the company is going BK. Do you understand the meaning of "bankrupt"? Apparently not.

    If you're gonna proclaim GS to be the hottest thing since sliced bread, at least try to understand the schemes which make them money at the expense of the taxpayers.

    P.S. Do you think sucking GS's balls all over the internet will help you land a job there or smth?
    #18     Oct 5, 2009
  9. ha, no, but it surely helps pay the bonuses.

    So you are now pretty directly blaming GS for the fuckup at CIT? Too funny...

    #19     Oct 5, 2009
  10. the1


    If it is not true then why did they convert from an Investment Bank to a Bank Holding Company? The answer is pretty simple: so they could become eligible to receive TARP funds. Otherwise, they would have suffered the same demise as Bear and Lehman.

    #20     Oct 5, 2009