Goldman Sachs buying crypto firms, FTX, 3AC and Celsius?

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by schizo, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. schizo


    (Prolly nothing :D)

    Goldman Sachs reportedly looking to buy crypto firms after FTX collapse

    Goldman Sachs wants to invest millions in crypto firms as the FTX meltdown has affected crypto market prices. Mathew McDermott, an executive at Goldman Sachs, said in a recent interview that big banks are seeing opportunities that are “priced more sensibly” and are already doing due diligence on some crypto companies. The FTX collapse also highlighted the need for more regulation within the industry, according to the executive.
  2. maxinger


    Prolly nothing ....

    And investors should be selling GS?
  3. M.W.


    Same game all over again, just a different name. Shit products are hyped, the dumbest reeled in, and then holdings are dumped for the clowns to hold the bag. What is the next game after cryptos?

  4. Nobert


    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  5. You ain't seen anything yet... until the run-on-Tether-bank starts.

    LOL @ those who are panicking right now. It hasn't even come close to capitulation.

    Just think about it... Tether is only (supposedly) backed by other crypto (at best). And we don't even have any audits to even prove there is any crypto behind it.

    Regardless. Either there is NOTHING backing up Tether, which has already been leaked in the public years ago. Or... best case scenario they are backed by Crypto... which means nothing when margin calls go around.

    Basically, no matter which way you look at it, Tether is the god of all bubbles that when the death-spiral starts, everything from Luna to FTX will be nothing but a tiny microscopic blip on the radar.

    De-leveraging from crypto doesn't leave you safe. Because if you're levered on Nasdaq when the run happens (and it likely will happen at some point), Nasdaq listings are the first equities that crash with a velocity like the flash-crash of 2010.
    RedDuke likes this.
  6. schizo


    Oh, c'mon, you're scaring my kiddie already. LOL
    murray t turtle likes this.
  7. deaddog


    What do you suggest? US Dollars?
  8. Well, Dalio likes to suggest GOLD. But, the time to buy it is always yesterday. :D
    murray t turtle likes this.
  9. %%
    I agree with the former CEO before David Solomon of GS. Mr Blankfein told the WSJ,2022,things have been much worse before+ he mentioned the Cuba blockade, with Pres [+ NRA] member John Kennedy.
    But I also noticed big banks GS + C+ WFC.... get fined much, much , much more than smaller banks.
    Cant really blame QQQ bear market on crypto cr@p\ FB has had lousy customer service for a long time, not related to crypto cr*p.
    One [public] profitable Dow daytrader said ''DOW is correlated to itself''
    QQQ is correlated to itself.:D:D