Goldman Bonuses

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by sps_45, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. Ops at Bear made 20-30%

    depends on how well you do your damn job....

    Don't knock Ops... Without them... we wouldn't be able to do what we do.

    I suggest all the Ops Knockers (I am a former ops dude) read what Ace Greenberg said in his memos from the chairman.

    #31     Dec 31, 2006
  2. Actually, the GS cleaners in London went on strike, as they got jealous of the bonuses they were reading about in all the papers.
    #32     Dec 31, 2006

    Yeah, those greedy cleaners in the City, they are making like £7 an hour ($14), thats 40% above the minimum wage, which is what other cleaners typically get and they still want more..
    #33     Dec 31, 2006
  4. there are no median bonuses,

    the comment regarding trickle down was true, it stays lofty and very little of significance goes below the VP level.

    but then again, why make this public, just to have the buzz about them, most people would never get hired there, nor tolerate the 20 hour work days, just to get less than normal time and half at year end bonus. most staffers on wall street lose, but these stories of huge boneses keeps people flocking outta college to their positions and job postings.....

    so, I guess the notion of boasting about the excessive bonus monies does its job in making more want the opportunity than positions available.
    #34     Jan 1, 2007
  5. Hey, anyone can write their own bonus check for $15,000,000 ....

    just don't try to cash it, huh?
    #35     Jan 1, 2007