Going down with the ship ...

Discussion in 'Trading' started by aphexcoil, Oct 25, 2002.

  1. "Guessing tops and bottoms can be hazardous to your wealth"
    -Trader General's warning label pop-up box appears each time you start tws.
    #41     Oct 25, 2002
  2. dottom


    I prefer Nike:

    "Just Do it."
    #42     Oct 26, 2002
  3. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Aphie's father.

    I am truly sorry that he was allowed out of his room that one night back in August, the night he snuck into my den and borrowed 5k to start a trading account.

    He was heavily sedated when he went to bed and must've had dreams of grandeur. He later confessed that the reason he posted the 5k into 1 million in 18 months forum was solely to show off his riches in front of his ex-girl, who unceromoniously ditched him back in July.

    She was over for dinner and later they had a big fight downstairs in the living room. Gertie, that's the Mrs., and I were upstairs in bed and we only caught a few snippets of the conversation. Something about a monkey that had a strange disease called smallcox, was it? I couldn't hear that well. Gertie's coil was at full charge and I never miss an opportunity to attract.

    Like i said, elite traders, I apologize for his getting loose. It won't happen again. On Monday we withdraw what's left of the account (his broker said it's on the order of about 1500.00). He agreed to work double shifts at Burger King until his debt is paid.

    Yours truly,
    Alfafa Coil
    #43     Oct 26, 2002
  4. You remind me of a friend of my who I play golf with occasionally. I'll never forget the first time we played. When he walked up on the tee box, and lined up for his drive...he lined up aiming at about a 45 degree angle to the left....right at the trees! Before I could say a word, he rared back, took a huge swing, smacked the ball, which took off straight for the trees! Just before it got there, it started slicing! It made a WIDE slice to the right, and ended up right in the middle of the fairway. LOL.

    I commented....."What the hell was that?!" He explained that he had this wicked slice, and that therefore he played for it by lining up aiming to the left, so that his ball would end up where it was supposed to, in the fairway.

    So later on, he's on the tee again...lines up pointed to the left, toward the trees. He rares back, takes a huge swing, and smacks it. It starts straight for the trees. This time though, it doesn't slice to the right. It screams straight out there, a perfect shot, going right where he aimed it....straight into the trees. LOL.

    Now he says "$#*#%....#$&^!" I say, you know, you hit the perfect shot, but you lined up wrong, and now you're cussing over hitting the perfect shot!

    The moral: Don't ever try to fade yourself, because then you'll be mad at yourself if you ever get it right.

    Or something like that.


    PS. Let me know when you get out of those puts.
    #44     Oct 26, 2002
  5. Rigel


    Exploration costs money.
    #45     Oct 26, 2002
  6. dottom


    I can't wait to meet Alphie's ex-girlfriend... maybe his dog! I mean we've met his Ma and Pa already. How about Alphie's 6th grade teacher? Should be lots of interesting stuff there too!

    LOL - you guys are so funny.
    #46     Oct 26, 2002
  7. dottom


    Especially when you can just go by a map!

    In other words, why do new traders insist on reinventing the wheel?
    #47     Oct 26, 2002
  8. If you are losing money, you should go with a prop firm. I have heard they help you make money. All kinds of great training, at no risk to your own capital. Just stuff I have read in magazines, not to be taken at face value. You could try, Andover, Bright, Echo, Lieber, Lynx, Swifttrade, and others.

    #48     Oct 26, 2002
  9. trdrmac


    The statistical answer to this question is the number 7, hence your answer absent of any other information should be 7.

    But the piece of information absent is wether or not GreenDog knows it is 7, and without that the trade has no edge.
    #49     Oct 26, 2002
  10. this is fuckin serious shit, it demands fuckin serious attention and requires fuckin serious committment.. anything less than that and you are seriously fucked!

    who said this? it's nice
    #50     Oct 26, 2002