going crazy

Discussion in 'Options' started by met1989, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. met1989


    i have a butterfly and i put a limit order of 2.0 GTC now i look at the market it goes up till 2.25 and yet doesn't go through i call the desk and they say there is more orders ahead of you blah blah blah can someone tell me how to works ?
  2. Turveyd


    If 100's of people place a order for 2.00 before you do, then they get filled before, market hit your price for a while, but not long enough to burn through all the orders ahead of you.
  3. met1989


    an I see where I’m located on the list ?
  4. Turveyd


    If the market support level 2 dont think options do then on there.
  5. qlai


    What does it mean? Did you see actual transactions above 2.0?