God is the Devil?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 88888accountant, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. stu


    Gilbert is absolute power +1.
    Now God is not.

    ...let's see here, how does this self-complimenting thing go ?? ...

    #41     Jul 8, 2009

  2. Wait a minute, aren't you the guy who uses gigantic text in most of your posts? Whats up with that?

    Anyhoo, yeah-I heard, until the 1950's, catholic preists turned their back on the "flock", as the idea was the people "talked" to god through him, toward an alter of a dead guy on a cross.
    The catholic church is a monstrous landowner worldwide, worships not just "idols", but other periphery-things jesus was deadset against.

    He wanted people to worship shit in their own homes; the gold gilt, jewel encrustations of the various popes and there murderously gotten temples would leave him cold, I'm sure.
    As would the cruel austerity of the jesuits, or the no-fun presbyterians, or jehovahs, or any other derivative sect.

    As would the abhorrent, hate filled contradictory crap that inhabits what most call the holy bible-jesus didn't write the fucking thing folks, what is attributed to him more or less directly is roughly a few pages, if that.

    The rest is jewish folklore and bullshit.
    #42     Jul 8, 2009
  3. Paul was an idoloter who, instead of making an idol out of stone that can't speak, he makes an idol out of paper and ink that it may speak. And with these basic materials, paints a mental picture (image) of an aweful, schizophrenic narcissist which he then calls "God"...which "breathes" through Paul's imaginative wordsmithing.

    You are tracing your geneology back through men to man's maker. Therefore, like Jesus, I tell you that you are the son of the devil. I will clarify that to mean that you are the son of the prodigal Son, caught in a matrix of circular logic, having made (recreated) yourself in the image of all that is antithetical to Christ.

    #43     Jul 8, 2009
  4. There you go...re-writing scripture to suit your agenda. If it says it in the bible and it contradicts YOU, then you just try to find fault in the men of day or you just say its wrong.

    And I am not tracing my geneology through anyone. I clearly state that I worship the same God as Abraham.

    If you are going to make up your own religion, make up the name of your own god and your own savior. Stop leaching off of Christianity. You are the one that speaks in circular logic by saying things like I am an enemy of God, then in the same breath saying God has no enemies.

    I have seen people like you before. You either have an agenda or you have seriously deluded yourself into believing your own lies. You try to get people to follow YOUR beliefs, by offering them something they want. You try to offer them the same thing as Christ had and try to get them to doubt the word of the true God of Israel. And thats all someone needs is just a little bit of doubt to get their asses sent to hell. Because if you have a little bit of doubt about the bible, you cant trust in the savior Jesus Christ.

    I've already exposed you as a fraud in this post and I used the bible to do it. You have tried to defend yourself (poorly at that) with your own conceptions that are based on nothing more than your own imagination.

    Its very funny also that you try to attack me with what Jesus said in scripture...scripture that you claim was written by anonymous punk scribes and idolatrous apostles.
    #44     Jul 8, 2009
  5. who has murdered more people?

    "Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365 not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers were given. Satan - 10"
    #45     Jul 8, 2009
  6. http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/maccoby2.htm
    The Problem of Paul

    Paul, not Jesus, was the founder of Christianity as a new religion which developed away from both normal Judaism and the Nazarene variety of Judaism. In this new religion, the Torah was abrogated as having had only temporary validity. The central myth of the new religion was that of an atoning death of a divine being. Belief in this sacrifice, and a mystical sharing of the death of the deity, formed the only path to salvation. Paul derived this religion from Hellenistic sources, chiefly by a fusion of concepts taken from Gnosticism and concepts taken from the mystery religions, particularly from that of Attis. The combination of these elements with features derived from Judaism, particularly the incorporation of the Jewish scriptures, reinterpreted to provide a background of sacred history for the new myth, was unique; and Paul alone was the creator of this amalgam. Jesus himself had no idea of it, and would have been amazed and shocked at the role assigned to him by Paul as a suffering deity.

    His apostleship was unrecognized by others.

    Of the 22 times in the Bible where Paul is referred to as an "apostle", only twice is he referred to as an apostle by someone other than himself! These two instances came from the same person. Not from Yahshua, or any of the original apostles, but from Paul's close traveling companion and personal press secretary Luke. Both accounts are found in Luke's record of the Acts of the Apostles, (chapter 14:4,14). Here Paul is referred to as an apostle along with Barnabas. By this time in the story, Luke would have been very accustomed to Paul calling himself an apostle, and he would no doubt have been in agreement with Paul's assessment of himself. By these statistics alone, it is evident that Paul is by far his own biggest fan... and his side kick Luke was his number two fan. This leaves no one else anywhere in the Bible going on record recognizing his apostleship!
    #46     Jul 8, 2009
  7. Who has given life to more people. According to population resource bureau, about 100 billion people have existed through out history. So God gave life to 100 billion people...how many did Satan give life to? Zero.

    Hmm 2,270,365...wow. Still only about 1/3rd as many as that atheist hitler murdered. And should i dare mention that Atheist Mao? Estimates are somewhere as high as 67 MILLION!

    Yeah....atheism is a dangerous violent religion.
    #47     Jul 8, 2009
  8. Mav88


    lack of religion is not a religion itself anymore than lack of a party affiliation equals affiliation to a new party

    atheism by definition is lack of theism.
    #48     Jul 8, 2009
  9. how many of the 100 billion is your god torturing right now in a pit of fire according to the tale in the book?

    by the way hitler was a catholic christian:

    Hitler's Christianity

    To deny the influence of Christianity on Hitler and its role in World War II, means that you must ignore history and forever bar yourself from understanding the source of German anti-Semitism and how the WWII atrocities occurred.

    By using historical evidence of Hitler's and his henchmen's own words, this section aims to show how mixing religion with politics can cause conflicts, not only against religion but against government and its people. This site, in no way, condones Nazism, Neo-Nazism, fascist governments, or anti-Semitism, but instead, warns against them.

    by Jim Walker

    [The German words, "Gott Mit Uns" means God With Us and appeared on many Nazi soldiers belt buckles during WWII. To see the buckle, click here.]

    Hitler's religious beliefs and fanaticism (quotes from Mein Kampf)
    Hitler wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." As a boy, Hitler attended to the Catholic church and experienced the anti-Semitic attitude of his culture. In his book, Mein Kampf, Hitler reveals himself as a fanatical believer in God and country. This text presents selected quotes from the infamous anti-Semite himself.


    The Christianity of Hitler revealed in his speeches and proclamations
    Hitler's own words reveal his feelings for God, Christianity and faith. Taken from speeches made by Hitler from the 1922 to 1939.


    Quotes from Hitler's Henchmen and Nazi Sympathizers
    A sample of quotes from Hitler's most powerful Nazis and sympathizers and how they felt about Christianity, Church and God.


    Hitler compared to God/Jesus/Christians
    Hitler was not only a confessed Christian, but his intolerance and atrocities were consistent with Biblical scripture and he acted as other Christians of the past and present.

    #49     Jul 8, 2009
  10. Ok...he was unrecongnized by others....and the very next sentence you say he was recognized by others. Do you even listen to yourself as you speak?

    Apostle comes from the greek word apostolos which means messenger or one sent off or away. If a mailman delivered mail to 22 houses and at each house he said "I'm your mailman" would it have no merit because nobody said to him "Hey...you're a mailman"

    The first entry in websters dictionary says an apostle is "any of the early followers of Jesus who carried the Christian message into the world"
    #50     Jul 8, 2009