go Barrack Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by omegapoint, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. I think Obama is being too timid. Why not follow the lead of his role model Hugo Chavez and just expropriate oil company assets? Some leading democrat politicians have already praised the idea.

    These companies need to stop being run for profits and run to benefit the people. We need to tear down the walls between the executive suite and Main Street. Power to the people!

    Another benefit of the government taking over these companies is we could get the same kind of public service-oriented leadership that did such a great job at FNM and FRE. Nothing like putting a bunch of out of work political hacks in charge of big businesses to get rid of windfall profits.
    #21     Aug 1, 2008
  2. One VERY interesting fact. I follow the Daily's on Gallop and Rassmusen. Obama started to fade last weekend with his widest lead yet on Gallop. In other words McCain bounced on Intrade first. My guess is there's a sophisticated network of "inside traders" on Intrade. I wish I'd noticed if Webb broke prior to taking himself out of the VP race.
    #22     Aug 1, 2008
  3. Gallup and Rasmussen now have them tied. (Tied on one, 1% diff on the other).

    Considering that Obama had at least a 5% lead before his Europe/M.E. trip, and should be at least 15% ahead now, I'd be very worried if I was in his campaign. Mac isn't doing much "correctly", but this referendum on BO is not looking good.

    Also, neither of these two polling agencies are partisan (some are). Pretty significant if you ask me.
    #23     Aug 1, 2008
  4. The sum and substance of the right wing brain trust.
    #24     Aug 1, 2008
  5. AAA and me know around 150x more about U.S. politics and U.S. History than you.
    #25     Aug 1, 2008
  6. As you may have noticed, I had removed your name and AAA's from that post. It was a regrettable impulse to include you guys in my response to that thug. And I have previously and repeatedly acknowledged that you are far more familiar with US politics and US history than I am. As, no doubt, is AAA. However, you two guys have repeatedly exhibited marked interpretive disabilities.

    As an aside, does it give you comfort sharing the same wavelength as the inbred Mag Light?

    P.S. That's "AAA and I" rather than "AAA and me," unless there's another preposition in there somewhere that you're hiding. :p
    #26     Aug 1, 2008
  7. Yea, I'm groveling right now ...see. Certain things like health care and energy shouldn't be under the profit motive model since it doesn't work as per China having to underwrite the debt. If it did the future wouldn't be captive to out of control ponzi schemes to stay alive for the next day, including business. Next poster will of course ignore the 5 trillion dollar debt that's made us the greatest nation on earth. And don't even try to tell me we're essentialy not already a hybrid socialist economy.
    #27     Aug 1, 2008

  8. About 130 million individuals and households are due to receive the current tax rebate.

    If we make a safe assumption that a similar number of individuals would be eligible for the 1000.00 energy rebate that would come out to 130 billion!

    Do you really think your going to get 130 billion dollars in extra taxes from big oil?

    I dont think so, more donkey pooh from obama. What a clown, maybe someday he and cramer will have their own show together.
    #28     Aug 1, 2008
  9. Anybody who supports McCain is a "please take money away from the lower and middle classes to the upper elite... and just naively and foolishly hope that the upper elite will so kind as to let some trickle down back to me" Corporate Elitist. And as the upper elite corrupts the government and help themselves to the treasury, you should be ashamed.
    #29     Aug 2, 2008
  10. Yep.

    But good grief, McCain had better start hammering away at BO or the moonbats just might get their man.
    #30     Aug 2, 2008