Global warming proven a Scam today.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. Lucrum


    Global warming proven a Scam today

    What's left to discuss?
    #31     Nov 25, 2009
  2. Ricter


    How indoctrination can interfere with a person's ability to interpret the data their five senses present them.
    #32     Nov 25, 2009
  3. Lucrum


    yak yak yak you could say the same thing about liberals.

    #33     Nov 25, 2009
  4. Ricter


    And yet, the world's ice is melting. I bet even independents can see that.
    #34     Nov 25, 2009
  5. I hear Crazy Al Gore was busted again with his blatant baloney. This time on the benfits of geothermal, where he claimed the temperature of the earth was a few million degrees. Hmmm, I didn't know we were a sun. I love the idea of geothermal. I hope they can get the costs down.
    #35     Nov 25, 2009
  6. Ricter, isn't it possible the icebergs are in a cycle where they lose mass, and yes maybe due to temperature increases, but then after time they start adding again. Ecosystems change, and adapt, or die. I don't know about you, but where I live it has been abnormally cold I believe every month this year by 5- 8 degrees quite a few months. Does that mean we have now switched to a ice age coming? Kind of like in the 70's when the rage was the coming of another ice age.
    #36     Nov 25, 2009
  7. Lucrum


    So it would seem, but how does that necesarily prove it's man made?

    And why all the lies, exaggerations, misinformation, scams and propaganda?

    Why won't these "scientists" let the data and evidence fall where it may?
    #37     Nov 25, 2009
  8. Ricter


    It doesn't prove it's manmade. That would be a nice point of departure for a discussion. But look at the title of this thread. I wouldn't keep hammering on this, but people keep making "it's colder today than it was yesterday so global warming is a fraud" statements.
    #38     Nov 25, 2009
  9. And making a statement that's it's warmer today than yesterday is just as meaningless. The fraud is in the manipulated data. When the numbers didn't jive with their agenda, these so-called scientists ignored and manipualted the findings. Anyone with even the slightest degree of integrity would conclude that the entire study must be scrapped and all findings based upon those studies are at a minimum suspect to be grossly incorrect. Therefore, no changes of substance should be made to the way we do business until an entirely new study is done by those that do not have any political agenda. Bottom line is that Al Gore and his ilk have no place in science at any level, and their opinions carry no more substance than that of a rambling lunatic on a inner city street corner.
    #39     Nov 25, 2009
  10. Ricter


    Decades of observations, and photographs, are not going to be scrapped because some cherry picked emails between a couple of scientists at one research node amongst thousands appear to fudge some data. That is the way the world works, everywhere, by the way.

    The ice is melting, I don't give a rat's ass what politicized warming-industry-hopeful group, or oppositely politicized it's-all-a-conspiracy group claim, we come back to that inelastic observation.
    #40     Nov 25, 2009