global warming physics question.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 151, Nov 19, 2008.

  1. see you in ten years ...

    actually, in two years ,,,, shit by the end of this year you'll be proven a follower of the cult of "global warming" ...

    #21     Nov 19, 2008
  2. Wallet


    Hummmm.......... I believe that the earth has gone through several climate changes long before man learned that if he rubs two sticks together he'll get blisters on his fingers.

    The earth heats up, the earth cools down, it a NATURAL CYCLE CAUSED BY THE SUN AND A FEW VOLCANOES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    #22     Nov 19, 2008
  3. Kut I unlike you do not have a deep seated need to believe or not to believe. I have a deep seated need to question. Even if only a fraction of that 31,000 was legit i would still question the theory of global warming.

    There is still a significant part of the scientific community that disagrees with global warming.

    Kut you yourself and no one else will ever gain knowledge by never questioning superficial beliefs.

    Jesus freaks have Jesus and liberals have global warming. Both are sickingly ignorant.

    I will proudly agree with you about global warming when the professional's can without reasonable doubt convert the theory into fact. Until then I suggest you start learning the thought process of skepticism because you need it for your own good.
    #23     Nov 19, 2008
  4. kut2k2


    What I don't get about the global warming deniers: what exactly do you gain by this? If you're right, great: we all survive. If you're wrong, we all die. So exactly what do you gain by acting like there can't possibly a problem that needs thorough study and solving if found to be real.

    No matter how much evidence there is for global warming, some of you will always attack it; just look at the brain-dead war on evolution.

    I really think most of you are end-timers who want the world to die so you can be Raptured up to heaven and sit at the feet of Jesus.

    Pathetic suicidal nitwits. :mad: Just drink your fucking kool-aid already and let the rest of us get on with fixing this world.
    #24     Nov 19, 2008
  5. a more stupidier justification I've never read
    #25     Nov 19, 2008
  6. kut2k2


    "stupidier". Yeah, you're a real brainiac alright. :D
    #26     Nov 19, 2008
  7. Did you just not see me write that i thought Jesus freaks were ignorant?

    I also think global warming freaks are ignorant as well.

    If you think you are on a journey to save the world than i feel more sorry for you than the Jesus freaks. One group thinks they can have eternal life and the other thinks they can save the world. Even if i decided to join the global warming party I would be hugely depressed by the realistic fact (yes another fact that you people do not like) that half the world is undergoing an industrial revolution that cannot be reversed without military action.

    Kut are you willing to take military action against countries like China and India and actually be a foot soldier and fight against the productivity and livelihood of these countries?

    You have any idea what happened when the British tried to limit the colonist's productivity?

    Three words- Learn To Question.
    #27     Nov 19, 2008
  8. By then it could be too late. Noone here is going to convince the other side that their beliefs on global warming and any study they might cite aren't a support of their particular political allegience. Given that inescapable lack of trust you've got to side with "erring on the side of caution."
    #28     Nov 19, 2008
  9. Omega if you really want to stop global warming would you be willing to enact military action in order to shut down the industrial revolutions around the world?

    If not than you are a talker that is not willing to provide a (yep you guessed it) solution.
    #29     Nov 19, 2008
  10. kut2k2


    You claim the global warming people are ignorant but you've yet to post any evidence. Everything you've posted, I've countered. So who's really the (willfully) ignorant one here?

    If you have hard evidence that global warming is fake, post it. Petitions signed under fraudulent claims don't count.

    Find real climatologists (Robinson is not one) to say man-made global warming is bunk and we'd begin to have a real dialog. You're still in the starting blocks, kid.
    #30     Nov 19, 2008