Global Warming: Fact or Fiction?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by goldenarm, Nov 11, 2002.

  1. It's almost the middle of November and it hit 70 degrees in NYC. I was planning on going skiing up north this winter but it looks like I'll be mud skiing instead. Is global warming a real threat to our existence? Or is the earth going through it's cyclical warming stages? Should we look to colonize other planets before the earth becomes one big, smoldering ball of fire?
  2. Its not necessarily fiction, but it isn't good science either. The truth is they don't have nearly enough data or good enough climate models yet.
  3. Rigel


    There's so much junk science out there that they've lost their credibility with me. More often than not it turns out to be self employment "we need to study this" or politically motivated (power, social engineering). We're getting snow here early this year.
  4. It is a scientific fact. If you read the science journal nature, you will see a story about the fires in Indonesia and how it released 2.4 billion tons of carbon in the atmosphere on top of the 6+ billion tons man release each year.

    This was beyond the ability of "mother nature" to balance and is the reason we had global record temperatures this past year or so.
  5. Scientists have reported that those who post on average more than 10 times per day are contributing 1.4 billion tons of methane into cyberspace.
  6. LOL

    "Junk science"?? Could you be more specific?? (Yes, I'm hinting that you are copping out rather than face the issues of the environment).

    In reality, global warming is real. FACT: Palm trees now grow in Japan. They do not belong there, but that climate has risen so much from over industrialization that Japan is now ideal for growing palm trees.
  7. It is a scientific fact. If you read the science journal nature, you will see a story about the fires in Indonesia and how it released 2.4 billion tons of carbon in the atmosphere on top of the 6+ billion tons man release each year.

    This was beyond the ability of "mother nature" to balance and is the reason we had global record temperatures this past year or so.

    Here's my problem with scientists.....they make a educated GUESS but want to make it FACT without applying common sense.....If the earth couldn't handle a fire in Indonesia, how can it possibly handle a Volcanic erruption? The erruption of a single volcano puts more sulpheric acid into the sky then all the engines man has ever created combined...isn't Italy getting an erruption now?
  8. Well, according to the article, there was some type of "carbon smut" that was three feet deep and this was over millions of acres.

    There is no doubt that the Earth is warming. The real question is -- is this warming just a natural cycle we don't know about or are we screwing things up royally?
    #10     Nov 11, 2002