Glenn Beck deserves a Pulitzer for this..

Discussion in 'Politics' started by William Rennick, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. 377OHMS



    Beck is just a little bit too crazy for my tastes. I couldn't watch him when he was on Fox.

    Its not that he is drooling and jacking off in the corner type crazy but he inserts so much drama it reminds me of Shatner on Star Trek with the overacting and weird pauses for effect.

    Obama not only survived the Benghazi scandal and got a complete pass for massively lying about it but he was subsequently *reelected* to his office. The public will not allow this man to be held responsible or accountable for anything. I've had liberals say that to me flat out, that Obama is not responsible for the economy or the wars or anything else that is negative. It is a cult of personality.

    One thing Beck is saying does make sense, that Steven has the background of a CIA employee and also that he had something to do with gun-running in previous conflicts. Might be something to that.
    #11     Nov 13, 2012
  2. He won't... no so long as the MSM keeps giving him a pass on every lie, incompetence, harmful deed. He's the ultimate Teflon man.
    #12     Nov 13, 2012
  3. I've been a subscriber to the show for about 6 weeks. Glenn has done a very good job exposing the benghazi incident.

    I'm not sure I buy the gun running narrative of 9/11 specifically but it is obvious that we are arming radical Islamists to overthrow ME govt's .

    The obama administration is knee deep in this BS of giving more than aid & comfort to the enemy.

    All the more reason Congress should have called for an actual declaration of War against the taliban and all other radical muslim groups back in 2001.
    #13     Nov 13, 2012
  4. 377OHMS



    Its just amazing that Obama can trot out the story about a Youtube video, have it completely refuted as bullshit and then be reelected a few weeks later. It is part of the reason that I've become a little hopeless about our future. If a Republican lied to the American people on that scale I think he would be impeached.

    Bill Clinton was impeached, technically, for lying to congress about Monica, right? That seems pretty harmless compared to literally getting people killed, doing nothing to save them during the attack and then telling this *huge* lie about what caused the attack for political purposes. I mean, its treason.
    #14     Nov 13, 2012
  5. Lucrum


    The "main stream" media has Obama's back and his sheeple Obamabots just don't care.

    Someone could post video of Obama wearing a turbine and taking it up the ass from a camel, who is wearing a US flag as a condom. The media would never mention it and his disciples would ignore it. It's a cult that's en vogue right now.
    #15     Nov 13, 2012

  6. :p
    #16     Nov 13, 2012
  7. right don't forget he used the incident to bolster sharia restrictions on free speech to an address at the UN on the incident.

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    #17     Nov 13, 2012
  8. 377OHMS


    Can't just get this stuff just anywhere.

    You can a haunt the comedy clubs in Hollywood and Santa Monica for years and not hear anything like this. :D

    The truth is pretty serious though. The Obama loons worship as a cult and the apoplectic attacks against Papa John's, Chick-Fil-A and anyone who opposes the messiah is no joke. The left thinks it has a mandate and I read that some leftists are calling for the FCC to shut down Fox News and certain political radio shows.

    Lucrum, both you and I are going to receive a letter at some point in the future inviting us to turn our M1A rifles in and report for reeducation.
    #18     Nov 13, 2012
  9. Lucrum


    At which point I'm gonna crack open an ice cold beer. Take a massive hairy shit. And wipe my ass with their letter. They can pry my M1A from my cold dead fingers. That is if they're willing to sacrifice some lives of their own trying to get it.
    #19     Nov 13, 2012
  10. Myself I plan on dying in an unfortunate drinking and drowning at sea incident.

    of course they won't find my body
    (unless they search some beach in belize):D


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    #20     Nov 13, 2012