Give us Ghaddafi to run Europe, Please.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by antelope, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. g222


    Quote from dontmissthebus:

    You brought up the civil war, not me:both democracy and America (both Americas, I suppose) are responsible for the civil war. The primary catalysts for that terrible action came from Europe.

    And you're absolutely right ... there is little to compare to those great purges you mention. But things are not always as they seem. Stalin, for example, is given more credit than he deserves for the deaths of tens of millions ... the Cheka went on a rampage, with no objection from Stalin ... and ... there is question as to whether those running Cheka were truly communist.
    #21     Aug 26, 2011
  2. Actually, some other guy did "So was American democraZY resposible for the death of 30% of ALL white southern white males in the 1860's?"

    I thought it was you... hence the confusion.

    "whether those running Cheka were truly communist" is a bit of a No True Scotsman don't you think? There's no true communist. There is no true liberal democrat.

    There are some systems that are open to abuse than others. Communism is one of them.

    #22     Aug 26, 2011
  3. g222


    qupte from dontmissthebus:

    ... nor true conservative republican. But your point is well taken.
    I do believe, though, that the Cheka - who probably killed more of their own countrymen than anyone, ever - was more interested in revenge than the spreading of communist doctrine. Indeed, horrible things have happened within the borders of communist regimes. but not all - especially the worst numerically - were perpetrated by communists.
    #23     Aug 26, 2011
  4. Black Book of Communism:

    65 million in the People's Republic of China
    20 million in the Soviet Union[3]
    2 million in Cambodia
    2 million in North Korea
    1.7 million in Africa
    1.5 million in Afghanistan
    1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
    1 million in Vietnam[4]
    150,000 in Latin America
    10,000 deaths "resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power."

    The book has had a lot of criticism, though. Mostly from wealthy Jews, which isn't wholly unexpected I guess.
    #24     Aug 28, 2011
  5. That's a lie about tens of millions in gulag. Many people in russia began to realise it.
    It's simple question: i merely asked sometimes co-workers or friends : do you have relatives who were in gulag or killed by Cheka? You know what? 99% say NO.
    It's a liberal lie from eltsyn's time.
    And the most interesting thing... Guess who were the big bosses of Cheka?
    #25     Aug 28, 2011
  6. g222


    #26     Aug 28, 2011
  7. #27     Aug 29, 2011
  8. g222


    quote by drillmega:

    I'm reporting you to the SPCJ!!!

    As MadDonald points out: "The critical Jewish role in Communism has been sanitized, while Jewish victimization by the Nazis has achieved the status of a moral touchstone..." Many hold the belief that Hitler's atrocities against the Jews were a direct result of their participation in the Bolshevik Revolution ... he did not want to see them do to the German people what they did to the Russians, Ukranians, Hungaians, etc.
    #28     Aug 29, 2011