Give the Afghan shooting soldier another chance

Discussion in 'Politics' started by thehitman, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. We're wasting our time trying to educate the idiots on this thread. They obviously don't know the difference between an excuse and an explanation.
    #11     Mar 13, 2012
  2. We didn't breed the Afghan shooter, we created him,

    What happened? The reality happened? War is unfair? Innocent people die? No duh, shit happens. The unexpected is shock and sadness?

    Anyone suppose our Commander in Chief Obama read one book on war?

    I doubt it?

    Everything is fine and dandy till someone gets an eye poked out?

    We don't belong there under these circumstances.
    #12     Mar 13, 2012

  3. your logic is infallible and certainly clears this entire mess up for me.
    I was really starting to worry that some of my comments were irritating idiots such as yourself,Corporal Oblivious, thanks for clearing this up.
    #13     Mar 13, 2012
  4. From our (US) POV it's a good argument, and it's probably right. We have no business still being in Afghanistan anyway.
    Unfortunately, it loses a bit of credibility when one of the people advancing it calls the Afghans "a bunch of fucking savages." Especially when I can guarantee you that wasn't the tune he was whistling in the 80's when we were supplying the mujahadeen against the Russians.
    #14     Mar 13, 2012
  5. I have mercy in my heart for the soldier.The man who committed those murders after 4 tours of duty ,brain injury ,seeing numerous friends killed and wounded etc is not the same man who signed up to serve this country
    #15     Mar 13, 2012
  6. More excuses. Naive, believing what the media puts out.
    I wonder if he came back with a string of ears, etc. and other body parts as trophies?
    #16     Mar 13, 2012
  7. +1

    However it seems obvious this guy was out of his mind. No reason to throw someone under the bus for that. Bring him home and give him psychiatric help. If he turns out to actually be "OK" in the head then he needs to be jailed for a long time.
    #17     Mar 13, 2012
  8. No, he should not be jailed. He was on 4 tours of duty and we should recognize what he has done for us.

    We should not waste his skills as a special forces soldier.

    When the time comes to teach Iran that we are boss, he should be part of such a mission.

    We, the taxpayer, have spent many dollars on his training. He is good at killing the enemy, and made just one mistake recently. We should allow him to continue to hunt other enemies, such as Iran.
    #18     Mar 14, 2012
  9. You conveniently leave out the part where the russians invaded Afghanistan because they had nothing but contempt for the Obama of that time, jimmy Carter. We were doing the afhgans a favor by helping them throw out an invader.

    Later of course, we let things get out of hand under another weak president, Bill Clinton, when the taliban, a creation of pakistan's intelligence service, took over. Clinton passed up a golden oportunity to take out OBL, whne Special Forces operators literally had him in their sights, because there were women and children present at his terrorist camp.

    We used to understand that in war, only one thing matters, winning. How many women and children did we kill in WW II with bombing of cities and fire bombing? The victors get to sort out who was a war criminal and who was a hero. That's why there is a monument to Lincoln and he wasn't hanged with Gen. Sherman as war criminals. That's why FDR and Churchill are venerated and weren't hanged after WW II.

    Of course, this soldier transgressed, but our leaders have made far bigger errors by putting our troops in such an impossible situation and saddling them with rules of engagement designed to limit criticism from Karzai instead of fulfilling a commander's first duty, which is to protect his troops.
    #19     Mar 14, 2012
  10. Afghanistan was the precusor to USSR downfall. US appears to be headed for the same outcome in Afghanistan.
    #20     Mar 14, 2012