
Discussion in 'Options' started by h hubbins, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. thought i'd throw out a stock that i've been selling covered calls on in my ira account.

    gafisa- GFA- homebuilder in brazil. IV pretty high so you get some decent $$ for playing. a decent amount of the activity is in the $30-35 range

    i'm gonna bail when my marches expire. i only drink from the trough for so long in any given stock. especially ADR's

    to any that like doing the covered call thing you might check it out. good luck. it has been put in the index that a fund i invest in mimics so i'll already be long some there. that's enough for me.

    ML analyst calls the company a "giant in the making". so if it takes off then the covered call thing won't be that great.

    anyhow, like i said, done enough with it. i'll pass my tiny torch to any takers.