getting serious: wealth-lab vs amibroker

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by diligent, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. shorty: did you have much programming experience before using amibroker?
    #21     Aug 10, 2006
  2. Regarding Amibroker: Can you specifiy positition sizing when doing a portfolio backtest? For example can I specify "Use 1% of portfolio equity on each trade"?
    #22     Aug 10, 2006
  3. Paccc


    Yes you can, you should use the position size variable. Negative values represent percentages while positive values represent dollar values. Try something like this:
    PositionSize = -1;
    You can also use the method that sets it like this:
    SetPositionSize( 1, spsPercentOfEquity );
    -- Paccc
    #23     Aug 10, 2006
  4. @ Paccc: Thanks.
    #24     Aug 11, 2006
  5. it seems like amibroker and wealth-lab have the two largest use communities that will assist with coding problems...

    are there any other programs that have large user communities like this?

    again, thank you everyone for your comments.
    #25     Aug 11, 2006
  6. Still Easylanguage have more users than both of them combined.

    Why i'm saying this, because most AB and WL users was EL user before and they know how to use it. They moved because Tradestation didn't offer them INTEGRATED portfolio and fast optimization, i see most users return to TS when it comes out with these features early 2007
    #26     Aug 11, 2006
  7. no i have no programming experience at all but I did have Metastock before I bought Amibroker and some of the stuff is somewhat similar and that kind of helped me out.

    Although the systems i trade are not complex at all.

    #27     Aug 11, 2006
  8. ^ interesting

    if i was to use just EOD data, what quote feed would one suggest i use for amibroker?

    (excluding intra-day data for now)
    #28     Aug 11, 2006
  9. I simply use Amiquote, which is a small piece of software that downloads data from the internet free from Yahoo, MSN and other places. I use the Yahoo data because if you don't have a RT quote feed you can update the current days prices throughout the day. Here is a discrepancy that Yahoo has with their data.

    If you look at the open price of a nasdaq stock on yahoo it will show the "Nasdaq Official Open" however when the next day starts the days data will move to the historical data link. In this link the opening price is different than the day before. This open price is the first trade made on all ECN's that Nasdaq trades on not the Nasdaq Official Open price. Just something to keep in mind. FWIW.

    #29     Aug 11, 2006
  10. taowave


    I am not so sure about that...TradeStation has become a broker/bank....

    Look where most of their revenues are derived and take a real good look at the rates they pay you on credit balances.They lock you in to trading thru them if you want TradeStation,an then they take you to the cleaners on the bid ask funding spreads.Add that to the fact that the software has become a tiny fraction of their core business and I think there are enough reasons not to return to tradestation..

    I also think once Traders Studio(which can read tradestation code) goes realtime it will be a far better product than TradeStation...Just my humble opionion
    #30     Aug 11, 2006