Getting Proper Sleep During The Trading Week?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by dsq, Dec 15, 2007.

  1. Reaver

    If you can't understand the concepts, get one of your parents or a teacher to explain it to you.

    Good night
    #51     Dec 16, 2007
  2. There are sleeping pills, and there are <b>sleeping pills.</b>

    Seroquel is my solution. Benzos (klonopin, valium, xanax, ativan, etc.) should be a last resort, if that. Like an alcohol addiction detox, a benzo detox can be lethal if not done correctly.
    #52     Dec 16, 2007
  3. nesyo03


    I live in california. Typically go to bed around 2-3am, wake up at 6. Back to bed around 8-9 for an hour or 2 hour nap. Find another time during the day to get another 2 hour nap. That gives me about 7 hours of sleep a day.
    #53     Dec 16, 2007
  4. X-11


    You should go be checked for Alzheimers. Jumping into a thread with hostility is usually a sign of something wrong with your brain. From what you have said so far, there might be more than a few problems with yours.
    #54     Dec 16, 2007
  5. I am not feeling hostile at all.

    Now if in response to your shitty stupid post I replied

    "go fuck yourself!"

    Now clearly THAT is hostile.

    Of course I would never do that.

    Lovely talking with you.

    You ignorant prick.
    #55     Dec 16, 2007
  6. X-11


    Seroquel (quetiapine) is an antipsychotic medication that is used to treat the symptoms of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. I hardly doubt if it is any less dangerous than benzos.
    #56     Dec 16, 2007
  7. X-11


    You have mental problems. Please see a doctor. You are sick. You need help. I bet you are an alcoholic. Close?
    #57     Dec 16, 2007
  8. X-11


    Or maybe you are all alone and lack some pussy to mellow you out?
    #58     Dec 16, 2007
  9. Either choice would be preferable to being an asshole like yourself.
    #59     Dec 16, 2007
  10. if you can't sleep, try exercise. If you are taking any anti psychotic medication, clearly you are on the WRONG track. Maybe you should work out whatever it is in your mind that causes you to behave so ineffectively. You can't really be a great trader until you have you mind working for itself, not against itself.

    If you position trade and can't sleep because of your overnights, then don't hold stuff overnight.

    I hold no overnight positions yet returned over 500% this year. Yes, daytrading. Yes with leverage. So what.

    Guess what, Monday is a new trading day. Once i record my trades after the bell rings (or if i close them earlier in the day, which consists of copy and paste export the blotter to excel, and my order status page...takes 2 minutes) I FORGET the day. I move on to working, out, playing tennis, and really enjoying life.

    You NEED to trim your trading down to a level where you can sleep at night. Pills and potions will only mask the weaknesses in your trading. You will eventually realize this or your account equity will drop to the point of where you will get what you need: to stop trading as you are and modify it to fit a healthy lifestyle.
    #60     Dec 16, 2007