Get attached

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by nitro, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. nitro


    #41     Jan 19, 2011
  2. Falling on love, which is more a subconscious addiction to the feeling we get from being with a specific person, is like driving the fastest and most sophisticated car the world can imagine.

    One must know how to drive this car very well in order not to hurt oneself or the person sitting next to you.
    #42     Jan 19, 2011
  3. nitro


    Well said. The problem is that love doesn't come with an instruction manual.

    It is amazing to me that we have "Home Economics" classes in school, "Sex education", but no "How to fall in love and be gentle with your loved one" courses. As a result, the world is a wasteland of hurt people walking like zombies, hoping that they get it right this time. I wonder if we purposely try to keep love mysterious.

    The original post and the link to the paper was not meant as comical. I strongly urge people to read it.
    #43     Jan 19, 2011
  4. jinxu


    I want to give up love and happiness and pursue a life full of meaningless sex and hedonism.
    #44     Jan 19, 2011
  5. BSAM


    For any of you who really want to fall in love, get yourself a Golden Retriever.
    #45     Jan 19, 2011
  6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Yes, I understand is more than sex. But is very very nice to have someone very compatible for sex to be with after the stressful day of school and work. To be "animal" with. :)
    #46     Jan 19, 2011
  7. ElCubano


    for a whole 7 minutes....cmon meng. That's why they are leaving. :D
    #47     Jan 19, 2011
  8. ammo


    don't need one,just follow your heart,n keep your mind,eyes and ears open,if she loves you ,she'll understand ya and work thru your growth/pain issues,as you will's a job
    #48     Jan 19, 2011
  9. nitro



    Don't resist. Just watch it (in three parts):

    I ask you to reflect on this before, through the Yoda quote which encapsulates much of what this man says. Maybe this way will make more sense.

    When you are on your deathbed, reflecting on how you lived your life in fear because you think you have discovered some profound truth, will this be satisfactory? You have created your own reality, it cannot exist independent of you! They say your entire life will flash before your eyes as you die. I wonder at what point you will stop liking what you see....

    Whatever happened to you, consider that it may have been an accident (in the sense that these things happen to a % of the population, not that it wasn't premeditated), and that there is no truth in accidents...
    #49     Jan 19, 2011
  10. Cheese


    Love is a word and a meaning that is part civilisation. The facts are different.

    The facts are that we are animals with the inbuilt and important characteristics of imprinting and bonding capabilities. Imprinting is the attachment of the offspring to its parents. In humans we call this family love. Bonding is the sexual affiliation that develops between opposite genders and is required for procreation and survival of the species. In humans we call this romantic love.

    So in fact all that you have, are animal functions which doesn't lessen their importance buts thats all there is to it. So get with the facts: love is only an idealisation, both everyday ordinary as well as being among the concepts of civilisation.

    So when a man becomes attracted and attached to a woman it may be for her that the bonding does not even start or that if the bonding is there for her it ends when the utility of the attachment, for her, reaches its 'sell by date'. The majority of divorces are initiated by women not men.
    #50     Jan 19, 2011