German official leaks report denouncing Covid 19 ad Global false Alarm

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by luisHK, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. luisHK


    ironchef and Turveyd like this.
  2. bone


    See also the New Jersey and New York Nursing Home Governor-sponsored Senicide policy.

    I don't particularly like him, and I didn't vote for him, but Trump was basically right about China and the WHO.
    Illini Trader, ET180, Opcodes and 2 others like this.
  3. Turveyd


    Thanks, shared that on Facebook LOL exactly what I've been saying all along :)

    Looking like immunity from it, could be short lived, so although it's a nothing, it'll keep coming back and hanging around for ever ever ever, just like a normal flu, death rate will drop to likely below flu levels but still, the feardemic will screw us all for years to come :(
    luisHK likes this.
  4. zdreg


    ges and luisHK like this.
  5. luisHK


    Thanks Zdreg, the first links talking about this in english were dodgy, zerohedge picked up the story btw. Unfortunately I d need google tranlate to google links in german, where the leaks came. According to this article Der Spiegel wrote against the author, not sure how likely the mainstream papers are to talk about this issue, but I suspect in the US serious right wing papers would be likely to pick it up if it s serious.
    Any germans in the forum are welcome to add feedback.
    Besides I m in the camp of the lockdowns have caused a lot of harm, so happy to relay this news.
    Turveyd likes this.
  6. Turveyd


    Saying anything other than the lockdown party line is none PC and strictly not allowed, why else do you think this was Leaked accidentally ofcourse.

    Nothing is ever accidentally leaked
  7. bone


    The proverbial turd floating in the punch bowl :D

  8. guru


    It went unnoticed because it’s irrelevant and not related to trading or Wall Street.
    Every time the world avoids a disaster, there will be people claiming there was never a risk of the disaster.
    While the number of people dying is also not as important as the number of beds and ventilators they need for this specific disease, which aren’t needed for influenza. Just look at daily reports out of NY to see what’s going on with just a small number of sick.
  9. bone


    I just don't see a "second" lockdown coming. The smart strategy would be to isolate and quarantine the elderly and those with compromised immune systems in lieu of locking down an entire population and crippling an economy.

    The death rate for people testing positive for COVID without serious underlying health conditions is something like three tenths of one percent as I recall.
    Pekelo likes this.
  10. maxinger


    With the advent of Internet, you will hear millions of fake garbage scam news. Always read news with eyes and mind closed.

    But focus on your charts. Look at it with big eyes
    #10     Jun 5, 2020