George Zimmerman's wife charged with perjury

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gwb-trading, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    No. You can hear and see from the video. The man put his arms up when he know the other man have the gun. He is not fighting him. This is at 1:20 minutes. I think is really something wrong in the culture to be so angry with music to kill someone. Then in 2:23 minute of the video that man is saying he will go to his house to get his gun to be "equal". So he is saying he will go get gun too. That is when the man with the gun is scared. He is scared because now the other man will be equal to him with a gun.
    #51     Jun 14, 2012
  2. +1

    That idiot could have went back home when things got heated.He needs to spend the rest of his life in prison
    #52     Jun 15, 2012
  3. George Zimmerman could have too I might add
    #53     Jun 15, 2012
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    Cant believe anyone would defend this asshole..... he sounds like a goddamn highschool hall monitor who got beat up one to many times as a kid..... "the noise is 85 decibels from 200 feet away" The fucking asshole even has the nerve to tell the guys to keep the music down when he is pointing a gun at them, and the situation has clearly escalated well beyond the point of a simple conversation..... apparently he felt safe enough to continue to chastise them about their music, but he deeply feared for his life.....

    When he pulls the gun, he stands there egging them on, when there was no direct threat to him at that point, he could have simply started walking backwords and kept his mouth shut with the gun pointed towards them, but the fact is that he wanted a confrontation, he stood there, he even says to the dispatcher "Im not losing to these people, im not going to tell them to stay back anymore"

    The icing on the cake...... THE WHOLE THING WAS OVER A GODDAMN NOISE COMPLAINT. The only beef this guy had with them was they were making to much noise, he didnt suspect them of some heinous crime,.... He confronted them because they were having a party, and you can tell from his voice quivering right from the get go that he was scared shit less, and the only reason he felt emboldened to approach them was because he had a gun..... He pulled a gun on them in a situation that would have warranted a 100 dollar fine..... It would be like following a guy who cut you off, then when he parked and got out of his car pulling a gun on him and claiming you felt scared.....

    Im all for second amendment rights, but if there is any lesson to be learned here it is that a pussy with an inferiority complex should not be allowed to carry ..... not sure how you would test for that though......

    As for the people comparing this to zimmerman, that is just plain idiotic, Zimmerman was on his back getting the shit beaten out of him before he even touched his gun, and from the sounds of the evidence, he wasnt able to have a 3 minute conversation with Trayvon before it all escalated......
    #54     Jun 15, 2012
  5. Lucrum


    I may have misinterpreted the video in this case. But it looked to me that the shooter was being tackled from behind when he first fired. No?
    #55     Jun 15, 2012
  6. Max E.

    Max E.

    Pretty tough to tell in my opinion i watched it a couple times and all he did was drop the camera..... if he was tackled from behind you would think the gun shot would not have found its mark....

    Listen to his voice right off the bat the first thing he says "Im a neighbor down here im asking you to turn it down" That is at 55 second mark on the video.....

    You can hear the guys voice cracking right off the bat, it goes high pitched cause he is scared shitless...... The rest of the video you can hear his voice breaking like that cause hes scared....

    This is absolutely the type of person who should not have a CCW permit..... He goes up and is confrontational from the get go, but you can hear the fear in his voice right from the start.... He is a pussy with an attitude, who manages to find enough confidence to confront someone only because he has a gun.....

    I dont know squat about gun laws, but do they make you take any sort of basic psychological test for CCW? I support the second amendment but this guy should not have gotten a permit to carry a gun in public, the whole scene, and everything he does just seems eerily similar an overzealous mall security guard..... thats probably the specific reason as to why they dont let those "security guards" carry guns most of the time.....

    They should just ask one question before they give the CCW, "Did you get bullied in highschool" if the answer is yes, automatic disqualification..... Cops should also be disqualified based on that.....:D
    #56     Jun 15, 2012
  7. TGregg


    Yeah, I think it's pretty clear there was some history here and he knew they wouldn't turn the music down if he just asked. Maybe he had already asked before, maybe from prior experience. So he grabbed his video camera and loaded gun, then called 911 thinking "I'm going to make them turn it down even if I have to shoot someone."

    A plain ol' citizen using deadly force or the threat of deadly force to make someone do something (regardless of how right he might think it is) is bad and is reserved for special occasions such as violent crime. Loud music doesn't qualify. What's next? Blowing away the neighbor and his whole family `cuz his dog shit on your lawn? Why not burn his house down as well?
    #57     Jun 15, 2012
  8. Lucrum


    The thought has crossed my mind. :) (j/k)
    #58     Jun 15, 2012
  9. Lucrum


    Probably, although I've seen a few thousand drivers in my life time that shouldn't have a DL either. But they have one anyway and bad drivers kill more people every year than idiots with guns
    I've said from the get go imo his self defense claim was questionable. Simply claiming you fear for your life on video doesn't CYA from a legal standpoint. He could certainly justify fearing for his safety but, as I've already conceded, he was part of that problem to begin with further undermining his legal claim to self defense.

    There maybe some that do, GA does not. Even then I don't think such a test would be very effective at screening. Should professional pilots be psychologically screened? Some companies do but the FAA does not.

    :) That might work, IF every candidate answered the question honestly.

    I have to admit I'm having seconds thoughts about saying I would not have voted guilty had I been on the jury.

    Oh and another comment I've been meaning to make regarding this subject.
    Stand your ground laws are NOT "shoot first" laws as many an ignorant journalist has claimed in the media recently. It was conceived as an extension to the so called castle laws. Which allow a home/property owner to "stand their ground" when confronted with threat of violence. As opposed to being required by law to run like rabbit from one's own home.
    #59     Jun 15, 2012
  10. The Texas incident is a great example of a little bit of knowledge can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. This dope interputs the SYG law as if I feel threatened in any way, shape or form, I can start blasting away. He obviously went there with the intent of starting trouble and a smart jury convicted his dumb ass for it. Good! We need less idiots on the street, especially if they own a gun.
    #60     Jun 15, 2012