George Fontanills

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by LouieR, Aug 16, 2002.

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  1. camp


    I've done my best to defend Mr. Fontanils. Most of you on this thread feel you have been mistreated by him and his organization and that is your right to feel this way. I find it funny to see that you are so strong in your views of him...are you jealous that someone is sharing their information with the world and making money? Are you upset that he is profitable and you are not???

    All I see are doubters without's something you could do...check his organization the Better Business Bureau, talk with representatives of other organizations. It's your decision whether to like him or not. All I can say is that I learned how to trade options successfully by taking his seminars!!!

    And there you have it....
    #51     Nov 7, 2002
  2. Camp said;

    'are you jealous that someone is sharing their information with the world and making money? Are you upset that he is profitable and you are not???

    Please can we stop this thread now, I don't think I can take anymore after the comment above.


    The whole board here and I'd assume most people who've taken his course know what we need to know about this guy and his 'systems'. But one lone voice knows different and has the bulging account to prove it.

    Well here's my advice Camp, pour yourself an extra large one tonight, light up a fine cohiba and chuckle about how much you've made while the rest of us are scratching with the chickens.

    And also learn to be quiet because if I'd found someone that could teach me how to get rich I wouldn't tell anyone because I'd be scared that my success would be diluted.
    #52     Nov 7, 2002
  3. dottom


    I find it funny that all 9 of your posts are in support of him, and you happened to register only to post about him.

    I've posted a TON of facts. And actual experiences from actual coustomers. Care to comment on those? Care to comment on why Fontanills doesn't honor a 100% money-back guaranteed? Care to comment on the other facts I've posted?
    #53     Nov 7, 2002
  4. camp


    No matter what I say, you have negative comments about George Fontanils. I have positive only comments about him.

    I'm leaving this thread as my efforts have failed in letting others know there are traders out there who do follow him and believe in his strategies and are successful.

    I hope you are successful in your current trading.


    P. S. If you'd like to see successful traders in conversation, visit www.optionetics .com and go under their discussion boards...people are more open and nice over there.
    #54     Nov 7, 2002
  5. I'd bet there's more censorship over on the boards at opionetics (just had to get the link in didn't you), than in Iraq.
    #55     Nov 7, 2002
  6. SWJ12


    Fontanills is a joke. The only people who linger on his website are the total newbies that didn't quite learn what a ratio backspread was from his seminar, or are trying to find out how to maintain a delta-neutral position with only $10k. Yeah it can be done...... until you run start running out of cash to make further adjustments.

    His message boards are liberally moderated. If you're a paying customer and using the boards, as soon as one hint of negativity from you then you get warned that any further negative posts will result in deletion of your account. This sucks if you are a paying customer and using his online web software to analyze options then you have no choice but be a good boy less you don't care about your access anymore.

    Look, Fontanills is a decent educator and his website does have some useful info and the options software is decent. But he sells such basic education in the form of super-slick snake oil mail-order advertisements. I think with the internet he changed his approach a little bit, but the good old Wade Cook style is still there. And there is all that Fontanills history. I still receive junk mail all the time from him with hype of doubling my money and pictures of nice vacation get-a-ways, you know the get-rich-quick stuff. So now I scratch my head and wonder why he's still sending me junk? Maybe he's got a marketing machine going and makes all his money selling stuff and doesn't care to even purge my name from the database as an existing customer. Maybe he doesn't make much trading at all, at least nothing even remotely close from his "educational" products.

    Hey, I took the course. And I haven't doubled my money (in fact lost $8k on a $20k start - that is over $10k if you include the cost of the course). And I don't live in a vacation getaway either. Where was all that financial freedom you promised me, George?

    Ok to give you an HONEST critique, if you're a total newbie and are interested in options, yes, Fontanills will give you the basics and a "hand holding" approach that some can't do without. But options isn't a newbie game to begin with. And yes, when I said newbie, I mean newbie. Fontanills counts butterflies and calendar spreads among his "advanced topics". Common, you pay thousands of dollars and buy into all this hype and the best of the education you get is to learn what a butterfly or calendar spread is?

    I'm sure there are a lot of newbies who will sing Fontanill's praises. There are a lot of newbies that sing Wade Cook and Ken Robert's praises too. Even as a newbie you can get lucky and make some money.

    But one has to look at the underlying reason of WHO this person is, WHAT he makes his living doing, what his HISTORY is, what INDUSTRY he is (i.e. a trading vendor), and what his REAL MOTIVES are, and does he HONOR his promises. I think as an educated person you can make that decision for yourself.
    #56     Nov 7, 2002
  7. So in other words, Angell is no angel, just like, I guess, most of those system peddlers...
    #57     Nov 7, 2002
  8. badger


    #58     Nov 8, 2002
  9. StrayCat


    Just went to the link. Bunch of crap as expected.

    What amazes me is that the optionetics students continue to return back to listen to Fontanil's same old shit as if trying to glean another trading gem out of an old WD Gann work.

    Fontanils methods sound good in theory. But in practice, wide spreads, lack of liquidity, commissions make it an option market makers game. Try getting a decent fill on a spread or straddle and see what happens. Either you give up the edge or you don't get to play. That goes for getting in and getting out.

    Linda Racscke used to trade options on the Pacific Exchange. She moved on to the underlying instruments and I think it's largely an issue of liquidity. Larry Connors comes right out and says he thinks anything but writing options is a losers game.

    Fontanils the scam artist genius took a subject that noone really understands and invented Optionetics? Hahah. Optionetics makes it all clear to me now.

    Fontanils, Let's see you publish your money management record. That would be very interesting.
    #59     Nov 8, 2002
  10. gene777


    I had to reply.

    I've been to George's training 4 times. The system works. Trading options in this market is the lowest risk way to trade. I have had great success and George's record for his fund is stirling. George Soros even recommended him to a new acqaintence I meet recently. I have no problem getting good fills with fair spreads with my broker, I truly believe you have to have the training and the complete understanding BEFORE you can dismiss Options trading or his system. His guarantee is tremendous. Give it a try for yourself and prove to yourself if it works or not.
    #60     Nov 8, 2002
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