George Bush, GOP Turn to Socialism

Discussion in 'Economics' started by jamis359, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. gnome


    I are one of the FEW [unfortunately, there are only a few] who get it... (heavy sigh).
    #31     Jan 28, 2008
  2. Yes, I saw the segment. Interesting. (And, yes, I should have mentioned Haliburton in my list.)
    #32     Jan 28, 2008
  3. You're right, it's amazing how many people are ignorant of the fact that he in fact was anti-Al Qaeda.

    Fuckin sheep. We opened the gates for Al Qaeda to come set up shop over there.

    I fought for this country a few years back, but it's getting to the point I want to move somewhere else. At least in some other shithole country I know to expect bullshit, here it's comparable to if your wife became a crack whore and you drove her around the hood to hook or something. Just insult to injury because things SHOULD be different here.
    #33     Jan 28, 2008
  4. Humpy


    If Obummer gets elected it will be more money for Africa. Thats your money taxpayers not his.

    There isn't one half decent government in the whole of Africa.
    Corruption and killing - thats what they are about. Work is low on the list of priorities there.
    #34     Jan 28, 2008
  5. dagobaz


    i agree with the two of u gents, as well. What bothers me is why don't people care ? I have yelled about this for so long, i have grown hoarse. I got tired of being denounced as a kook who was only imagining the sun was getting hotter. Now that it should be obvious to all, still nothing happens. I feel as though i am trapped on a plane with all the engines out, the flight attendants are still serving the drinks, the peanuts and dinner will soon be served. the air crew are oblivious. why ?

    where are we going and why am i in this handbasket ?
    #35     Jan 28, 2008
  6. Allen3


    And so your gnome survival guide is...?

    I think the country is in the craper. I think the government has altered society and natural self control to the tune of a community I don't want to be invovled with and a bankrupt financial mindset. But, what do I do? A couple people I've met in all my years have had any thing close to a brain about this. They are to busy raising brats and spoiling themselves because their life is so hard.

    So the question is... What am I to do to save myself?

    #36     Jan 28, 2008
  7. clacy


    Have faith guys. I know it looks dismal at times, but I do believe there will be a conservative revolution in the coming years.

    And when I say conservative, I'm not talking about Bush/Cheney's (and virtually every other Rupublican) watered down socialism and nation building.

    I really do think there will be a breaking point in the next decade where people do wake up and realize that while we borrow from the Chinese, only to give our money away in rediculous social programs and to corrupt nations around the world, that change is needed.

    Sticking our nose into every other countries business/problems with our $$ and military, pork barrel spending on bridges to nowhere, free handouts at the slightest hing of recession, running massive deficits, free health care, free everything you can think of will soon have us on the verge of collapse.

    When we have to go back to 55%+ taxes, I believe the people will say enough...........or at least I hope that is what happens.
    #37     Jan 28, 2008
  8. Are you voting for Ron Paul?
    #38     Jan 28, 2008
  9. gnome


    To me the best course of action is to "pull a Jimmy Rogers"... say F*CK YOU AMERICAN GOVERNMENT... cash in your chips and get the Hell out of America.
    #39     Jan 28, 2008
  10. well i won't get a penny of that $150b , but my tax dollars will be used to pay it off plus interest.

    meanwhile some loser who paid $0 in taxes will get $300 back.

    how is it a "rebate" when you get money from nothing? i'd love it if i could get a $100 rebate from sony for not buying a tv.

    fu bush and congress.
    #40     Jan 28, 2008