George Allen: You Have Not Earned the Right

Discussion in 'Politics' started by james_bond_3rd, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. Arnie


    As usual, you attack the messenger. For once, just try addressing the issue.
    #11     Oct 27, 2006

  2. I understand that you're a Conservative, and you're entitled to your opinion.

    However, voting Republican now is a vote in favor of continued gov't corruption, lies, and infringement on our civil liberties.
    Voting Republican now sends a message that reckless fiscal policies are acceptable to you.
    ...That there's no real need for the GOP to be held accountable for their recent mistakes- no need for the GOP to clean up its act and start representing the interests of the American people. No need for reform or accountability.

    If you <b>do</b> care about these things, vote Libertarian.
    Keep giving this regime a blank check to run our lives as they see fit, and all we will get is more corruption, lies and excuses.
    #12     Oct 27, 2006
  3. I can understand your reasoning, RM, but what will voting Libertarian accomplish?

    A Dem or a Repub will be in the Oval office in '08. That's the bitter truth.
    #13     Oct 27, 2006
  4. Oh, so you DO have a blue phone to establishment headquarters:p I KNEW it.........

    What would it accomplish? How about not needing so many antacids, via a clearer conscience?
    #14     Oct 27, 2006
  5. If the Republicans <b>get away</b> with becoming the party of big intrusive gov't, covering up for pedophile congressmen, needless wars, and lies. ...let them get away with all that and still allow them to keep power, and you'll have <b>no one</b> to represent you <b>or</b> your conservative philosophy.

    Vote these bums out, and you'll force the Republican party to reform and repair itself.

    Besides, imagine if 10% of voters would cast their ballots for the Libertarian candidate. Suddenly, you'd see both big parties pandering to Libertarians, making frequent pro-freedom (=anti nanny-state) gestures in attempt to grab our vote- Just like they pander to every other minority group with significant numbers.
    #15     Oct 27, 2006
  6. Ross Perot voters were not pandered to, and while they influenced the 92 presidential election, they were not a politically strong or organized group that remained so fixed on an ideology that they remained a unified force to be reckoned with in subsequent elections.

    I continue to laugh when I see the resident Libertarians act as if some day the Libertarian party will be a cohesive and uniform group, with sufficient funding to do anything at all.

    Oh, there may be a charismatic Libertarian one day who helps to influence the election the way Perot did, but a strong enough party of anti social self centered people who have issues with authority who can bond together and get any thing done?


    Not very likely....especially with the way the demographics show growth patterns in this country.

    #16     Oct 28, 2006

  7. I did NOT predict that the LP will gain the slightest measure of power. I'm fighting a losing battle, and I know it.
    I quite expect this gluttonous monstrosity of a government to keep growing exponentially as it devours everything in its path. This nation's future devastation can still be prevented by a mass of Libertarian ballots- but people are just too stupid to cast them.

    Eventually we'll all be living in Orwell's worst nightmare. It's coming. If you're still around, you'll have to find something else to do with all your time, as criticism of the ruling regime will no longer be tolerated.

    When the black-bag squad comes to carry you away to the Ministry of Love on accusations of thought crimes, will you still be laughing at the poor, ill-fated Libertarian Party of the early 21st century? See, I don't think so. You'll have far more important things to worry about then.
    #17     Oct 28, 2006
  8. $RM$, im baffled.

    Why are you speaking in past tense?

    Dont worry about Z, he will probably die of withdrawal symptom's the moment he's forced to stop posting, regardless.
    Typically, Z types are given jobs by such ministries anyway, so they may see him through............
    #18     Oct 28, 2006
  9. Where in the world: Smutgate edition
    By Michelle Malkin • October 27, 2006 04:14 PM
    ***see updates...Ed Morrissey comes forward with details about how the Allen campaign approached him to disseminate the Webb novel passages. He declined...***[note: Morrissey writes a blog called Captain’s Quarters]
    Update: Here's the vid. I believe I garbled "ends" and "means," but you get what I mean. Interestingly, I'm not getting much negative mail. A few "we have to fight fire with fire" arguments and "you are not a real Republican...I'll never watch/read you again!" fulminations, but most e-mailers agree this stunt was so beneath the Allen campaign. "But the other side does it!" doesn't cut it.

    You know what I was originally scheduled to talk about? My column this week arguing why Republicans deserve to be re-elected on national security grounds and why Democrats can't be trusted to act like grown-ups.

    Smutgate knocked that topic off the table. Way to go!
    #19     Oct 28, 2006
  10. Projected New Senate: 48 Democrats 51 Republicans 1 tie

    Republicans creeping up for 4th day now.

    Maccaca Boy coming back in Virginia. Now a toss up. They love him - can't get enough penis in mouth. :p
    #20     Oct 29, 2006