Genuine Psychological Test: READ TEXT OF 1st POST FIRST!!!

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Riskmanager, Jan 27, 2003.

  1. I was thinking it was her twin cos she found her sister sleeping with the guy... does this mean I'm some sort of jealous person? Well I sort of am still I suppose. I was pretty bad, and I did make a conscious effort to get rid of it. I think it still lies within me still. Interesting test.

    This test reminds me of a movie called American Psycho 2. Anyone see it? The one brunette from the 70's show is the main character in the movie. She basically wants this certain position, but problem was her competition... so she killed them. Interesting.

    #11     Jan 27, 2003
  2. rpc


    I think that the reason the girl killed her sister after the death of the mother was to decrease the number of potential heirs to her mom's estate. This would leave more money to the girl. The reason that the girl thought the guy was so amazing was due to the fact that he suggested this idea to her.
    #12     Jan 27, 2003
  3. TGregg


    #13     Jan 27, 2003
  4. #14     Jan 27, 2003
  5. Snopes takes all the fun out of everything. I'm getting sick of that guy.
    #15     Jan 27, 2003
  6. That's what I thought too. Darn, why I am not a psycho, it seems to be so cool to be one, at least judging by the posts above...:D

    On the other hand killing just because of a phone number... you must be a psycho too... anyway, she was a psycho, no matter what her motivation was...
    #16     Jan 27, 2003
  7. nkhoi


    wife and sister get the right answer without a pause for though. Conclusion: women're all psychopaths.:confused:
    #17     Jan 27, 2003
  8. would likely be smarter than to think that killing the sister would result in a strange man showing up at the funeral... the man could have been there for many reasons none of which have an iota of relationship to the (now late) sibling.

    More reasonable answers might be that she killed to get her sister's share of inheritance (and thought she'd get away with the crime) or that it turned out to be the murdered sister's current lover whom she the killer sibling had never met nor heard about until post-funeral; or that the dead sister met him at the same funeral and was now a competitor of the killer sister who fell in love at first sight.

    Or maybe the sister had loaned the deceased a large sum of money for trading... she had lost it.. and was welching on repayment, so the killing was an act of vengeance having nothing to do with the strange dream man.

    Or maybe the killer-sister was a la femme Nikita working for Gabriel Byrne's group... who put out a contract on the deceased sister for other unrelated reasons.
    #18     Jan 29, 2003
  9. I thought she got tweaked for not trusting herself to do the right thing and ask the dude for his digits. It's really the only reason she axed her sister.

    Sound farmiliar ? Like that perfect trade setup you failed to act upon so instead you get tweaked and blow yourself up?

    Oh, No, you were tweaked to begin with cuz that perfect set up was just hindsight anyways.
    #19     Jan 29, 2003
  10. Ok, it's not that bad.
    #20     Jan 29, 2003