Generate income through options

Discussion in 'Options' started by ssp729, Apr 3, 2019.

  1. ssp729


    Hello everyone. I want a sincere opinion. Is it possible, starting with $15.000 making income with options, using iron condors and credit spreads? I saw on amazon a book claiming it´s possible to generate 3% to 8% consistently per month...
    What do you think?
  2. dozu888


    No. Get a job.
  3. tommcginnis


    No. You would be rolling a die and winning with any face except a 6.
    On 6, you get wiped out.
    Wiped out.
  4. No "catch"? Gotta be a catch... otherwise everybody would be doing it.
  5. ssp729


    Yes, maybe it´s not possible... I didn´t buy the book yet
  6. ZBZB


    If the market trends then one side of your iron condor may become ITM and you will have to adjust taking a loss and rolling. You could define trend first then put on a credit spread against the trend.
  7. ssp729


    ZBZB, and to calculate the percentage, i need to see how much was ITM and how much i lost? Thanks.
  8. From my experience, it may be possible to make good money with options in the long run, but the account balance fluctuates so much to drive you crazy.
  9. ZBZB


    Papertrade, use smart search to find credit spreads or iron condors.
  10. ssp729


    Thank you ZBZB!
    #10     Apr 3, 2019