Geitner: Obama's Budget Is Unsustainable

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. rew


    Liar. I was never happy with the Reagan or Bush 1/Bush 2 deficits. I do recall that some Democrats complained about those $100 - $400 billion deficits but are happy with the $1.5 trillion deficits now. In any case, regardless about what politicians in either party <i>said</i>, what they actually <i>did</i> was spend more money, every time. Both parties suck, and I am disgusted with those pretending that one or the other is going to be our savior.
    #41     Feb 21, 2012
  2. Brass


    Nice attempt at false equivalency (there's that broad brush again):


    Try again.
    #42     Feb 21, 2012
  3. rew


    Oh yes, that lying graph that equates the political party of the president with the political party that controls congress (and also leaves out the breathtaking deficits of the Obama administration, which had a Democratic majority in both houses of congress for its first two years).
    #43     Feb 21, 2012
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    Here is the inconvenient truth, that far left dumb asses like brASS always seem to ignore....

    #44     Feb 21, 2012
  5. Every now and then, a politico/Fed speaks out and says, ".... what we're doing/spending is UNSUSTAINABLE..." That all they do... mention it... nothing is ever done.

    Apparently merely mentioning the fact calms the hoi polloi into thinking, "well, if they're paying attention, must be something getting done about it." None of which is true.
    #45     Feb 21, 2012
  6. rew


    Thanks, Max E. Pad. Even though Democrats love to give Clinton credit for shrinking the deficit in his second term he was able to do that only because Republicans controlled both houses of congress.
    #46     Feb 21, 2012
  7. Brass


    Right. When Bush handed Obama the keys to the car as it went over the multi-generational-sized cliff, you expected Obama to fly. Got it.
    #47     Feb 21, 2012

  8. Republicans controlled the House and Senate when The Bush tax cuts were passed,when Bushs wars were passed,when Bushs Medicare was passed and republicans controlled The House when the Homeland Security Act(which spawned massive government) was passed

    Those are the main causes for the deficit problems,all passed by a Republican House.All but the homeland security act was passed by a Republican House and Senate
    #48     Feb 21, 2012
  9. They seem to put more blame on the guy who made the deficit 500 billion dollars less in 3 years then the guy who turned a 230 dollar budget surplus into a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit :confused:
    #49     Feb 21, 2012
  10. rew


    If you look at Max E. Pad's chart you can see that the debt/GDP ratio went up every year Democrats controlled both houses of congress. That was true 1987 - 1994, before the mortgage crisis was even imagined.

    As for the recent crisis, I blame both parties. Both the Democrats and the Republicans favored the various government actions that contributed to the crisis:

    1. Loose monetary policies by the Fed, encouraging speculation.

    2. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They bought up those securitized mortgages, making it easy for banks to offload dud loans they wouldn't dare hold themselves. When the Republicans tried to tighten up standards the Democrats like Barney Frank and Maxine Waters opposed it, saying that would be racist.

    3. The CRA and other government actions that created strong incentives for banks to make marginal loans.

    Yes, greed by Wall Street, mortgage brokers, and banks, as well as plain stupidity by house buyers, also played a big role. But without the Republicrats meddling in the housing market none of this would have happened.
    #50     Feb 22, 2012