Geithner's Five Big Misconceptions

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by PAPA ROACH, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. You are welcome!
    #11     Mar 26, 2009
  2. timcar


    Love this plan being proposed by Geithner:

    (SEC Registration
    Once registered with the SEC, large investment firms would also have to reveal to the agency -- but not to the public -- information about their trades and counterparties.
    The investment firms would only fall under the increased scrutiny if they were deemed to pose systemic risks to the economy. The decision on which firms should be labeled systemically important will be based on characteristics such as the company’s size, interdependence with the financial system, leverage and how much it relies on short-term funding.
    “We’re not suggesting they be regulated like banks,” Geithner told the panel in response to a question today. He also said the administration isn’t proposing to set capital-adequacy standards for hedge funds.
    “We want them to register with the SEC if they reach a certain scale, and in the future, if some of them reach a size where they may be systemic, at that point we believe they should be brought within a regulatory framework that’s similar to that which exists for banks,” Geithner said.)

    Questions is: Will the Republican's allow their industry to be regulated this way?
    #12     Mar 26, 2009