Geez. Obama's Uncle Not Deported - Released!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. pspr


    Can you spell F-A-V-O-R-I-T-I-S-M ?

    (Dispite having an order for deportation) Officials released President Obama’s uncle from Plymouth County jail yesterday after holding him for more than two weeks on an immigration detainer for violating an order to return to his native Kenya in 1992.

    US officials refused to disclose any other information about Onyango Obama....

    An official at the Plymouth County House of Correction who would not give his name said yesterday afternoon that Obama was no longer in custody.
  2. Wow, the guy has been in the US since 1963 and still can't get a permanent residence? That's "favoritism" for you.

    "Onyango Obama came to America in 1963 to attend a prestigious preparatory school in Cambridge but dropped out and was initially ordered to leave the country in 1989. He appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals, but lost in 1992."

  3. Max E.

    Max E.

    Truth be told this will probably save us some money, if he had gotten deported Obama would have probably just scheduled a vacation to Kenya so he could smuggle his uncle back in on airforce 1.