Gee......i Feel Really Great About Holding These Dogs For 4 Days!!!

Discussion in 'Trading' started by BlueStreek, Dec 29, 2006.

  1. think about who was selling this market off in may-july......and then suddenly bought it back up 6 months later to RECORD HIGHS.

    Look at the math you can push a 33.00 dollar stock up to 36.00 for a nice profit, but if you sell the stock short, cause other selling, make the 33.00 dollar stock go down to 27.00 (you made this money shorting it) now you can buy a whole lot more of it at 27.00 than 33.00, and then you push it up by year end to 36.00 dollars a share.

    Right near the heights of this euphoria your analysts forecast next year`s markets will rise 16%--so you better get in now--they get that extra 2% this year, and then they start the whole process over again.

    The one thing you have to learn about Wallstreet is that it is crooked! It always has been, and always will be. So you can bet on the GREED FACTOR alone, that the markets will sell off bigtime in the new year. You just can make more money by doing so if you are GS!!!
    #11     Dec 29, 2006
  2. Wetton


    Here we go again...conspiracy stories. Yes, you're absolutely right. You're right about everything....

    Oh wait a minute, AAPL is at 85 today. Hmmm, didn't you say short at 79 and cover at 75. Gee, you must have lost a bundle.

    But then again, in your fictional trading world, a loss is never a loss until you take it.

    Keep posting, you're hilarious.
    #12     Dec 29, 2006
  3. I COVERED PREMARKET AT 78....FOR A NICE 2,000 DOLLAR PROFIT FOR 30 MINUTES WORK......but thanks for your concern----didn`t like the way the funds are protecting this baby right now-----but last year as I recall---after the new year they sold it off from 86.50 all the way down to 51.00 dollars a share.

    i will short it again right after the hype from mac world and ride it all the way down with the rest of the funds just like this year.....your example only proves my`s all a game, and apple will be sold off by the funds after the new year.
    #13     Dec 29, 2006
  4. whatisis


    Blue, you should just stick with the Yahoo boards. People like you come and go, but I think it hurts the new traders to here all of your "theories".
    #14     Dec 29, 2006
  5. like you really care about the new traders-----money is money, and that`s all anybody on this board really cares about------but i know you donate your trading knowledge to the betterment of the up and coming trading community in your spare time----hope you can deduct that from your taxes moron:)
    #15     Dec 29, 2006
  6. Wetton


    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.........

    Yes, I'm sure that's right. It's your world, you can make anything happen in your little world.

    Keep posting, you're hilarious.
    #16     Dec 29, 2006
  7. S2007S


    everyone on ET lives in a perfect trading world....right.
    #17     Dec 29, 2006
  8. Please stop shouting. We can all hear you.

    #18     Dec 29, 2006
  9. Blue, you should just stick with the Yahoo boards. People like you come and go, but I think it hurts the new traders to here all of your "theories".

    You mean like fading this morning`s rally.....yeah I know another one of my "crazy theories" along with shorting goog at 515, gee that was real crazy, especially since I even told you which puts to buy ahead of time; bidu at 128.00 another crazy theory, qqq`s breaking 43, where you could buy the puts for .40 and sell them 2 days later for .80.....yeah that was a fox. or saying after wed. that the x-mas rally was done---------thursday down, friday down.....looks like i am right again........i gauranteed that the nasdaq would finish in the red did..............remember i am making my calls ahead of time, no after the fact predictions, and i am pretty damn good, so if i was a young trader i would watch closely and see what happens in january 07 (what bluestreek predicted), and then get down on my hands and knees and pray for some more of blue`s wisdom to come my way via his remarkable threads that are so spot on and prescient:)
    #19     Dec 29, 2006
  10. does bluestreak = eagle488?

    eagle488 hasn't posted since his little conflict with me. but suddenly bluestreak is full steam ahead.
    (i shouldn't have posted this. i'm asking for it, aren't i?)
    #20     Dec 29, 2006