Gay Marriage Or Incest

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pa(b)st Prime, Oct 23, 2008.

Who Should get Married?

  1. Gross! Only guys and gals should marry.

    12 vote(s)
  2. Only straights and homos

    3 vote(s)
  3. Any two consenting adults including me and my mom

    5 vote(s)
  1. Well at least I appreciate your sense of humor. Not tryin to be difficult. Truth is something to be experienced. The most words can do is point in the direction of truth. There is a correlation between truth and cravings. Truth ends cravings, if only you would experience truth for even a brief moment. But there is a correlation between the experience of truth and desire for truth. Truth is opposite the world. Yet, in truth or in the world, you are given what you want. In fact, the world is a gift to yourSelf. So long as it is wanted more than truth, the cravings will persist. The good news is that everyone in the world really wants the truth more than the illusion of truth. The world is one mind sorting out it's priorities. The attraction to truth may be imperceptible to the human eye, but there is in fact an underground mind-stream that is moving in the direction of truth. And every seemingly separated mind will eventually get there. It is not a matter of time so much as willingness. Will is king over time. Meanwhile, merely thinking about the truth is helpful in reducing cravings. It is also helpful to banish the concept of guilt as it associates itself to cravings. To banish guilt, begin to dismiss the reality of the world from your mind. There is a correlation between how real you think it is to how much guilt you feel. And that is because if it were real, you'd be guilty as hell. But because it is not real, you are not guilty.

    God does not make or break barriers. So if you want to break a habit, there must be an unambiguous signal for help. That way, your motive matches the help given, if not in strength, at least in direction. So focus on being single-minded about what you want. The instant your signal is clear, at that instant you will recieve the strength of help. Ask yourself, "what do I want?". Be honest. You can be fooled by your desires. Merely discover what you are desiring at any given moment. Be aware that the world is one thing. To desire any one thing in it is to desire the whole thing. This is how it hooks.

    The truth is that you - the Son of God - will never be satisfied with less than the totality of everything. To that effect, you could have every thing in the world, and you would still not be satisfied, because the world is not everything. You are entitled to everything, and God is not satisfied until you have everything. That is God's will. Till then, you are depriving yourself. This leads to depravity which is the attempt to restore everything to yourself via the limited pathways of the world. Yet, the world treacherously betrays your efforts to restore everything to you, and makes it "illegal". Again, here is the paradox. The world is a mockery of restoration and its antithesis.

    Salvation attempts to give you everything, and will succeed. Any time you stop resisting everything, you will recieve it.

    #21     Oct 24, 2008
  2. Who cares if homosexuals get the rights to marry and live together --- sometimes they are "different on the inside."

    As for Albert Einstein and others marrying or humping their close relatives - I think there are many strong reasons for NOT allowing incest. There are genetic, social and strategic reasons for avoiding this.

    Nepotism is not illegal, but it must be viewed on an ethical standard and provide some trust of integrity of individuals.
    Incest is a strong break on the trust that we have of others - both with regards to mental stability, social norms and reason for wanting such unions. It should be a basic human right not to be pressured by families, ethnic groups or similar to "inter-marry." The incestuous marrying seem to strengthen some self-delusional thoughts about being "supremely above" others.
    #22     Oct 24, 2008
  3. Cutten


    #23     Oct 24, 2008
  4. lassic


    Incest is allowed
    the bible gives a big thumbs up
    #24     Oct 24, 2008
  5. In the hypothetical drama that is *the world*, I was was married, and followed some traditionally accepted patterns. There comes a time when the patterns are seen for what they are, and overlooked for what is beyond. What can be seen and experienced beyond is more attractive. It is indeed awesome, and when it is revealed, there is no turning back. So my patterns resembled celibacy thereafter, the symbol that joy comes from within oneself. But if joy is not the experience of a celibate, what kind of symbol is that? If celibacy teaches that sacrifice is the way to transcend the world, then it defeats it's purpose. The way of salvation is not the way of suffering or sacrifice. Use this as a rule of thumb when seeking the truth. The *end* of salvation is constant joy, therefore, the means must be like the end. What you are deciding, when you decide for truth is that constant joy is all you want, not the relative ups and downs of chemically influenced patterns. Couples suffer. Celibates suffer. On the path toward truth, decide which path reduces suffering for you, if only as a symbolic expression of what you really want: zero suffering - constant joy - forever, for all. Constant joy IS the truth. Joy is what you ARE.

    #25     Oct 24, 2008
  6. bronks


    You know Iams,

    It seems to me, have/be everything-- have/be nothing, seems to cancel each other out.

    In the meantime, I'll take my steak rare and my women loose, but tight... if you know what I mean.
    #26     Oct 24, 2008
  7. Feel free to try any pattern that seems to solve or satisfy. Meanwhile, begin to think apart from the way the world thinks. Pattern recognition skills are useful if you would be a successful trader. As you recognize patterns by thinking apart from the way the world thinks, you become more willing to let go of what may not solve or satisfy in favor of what does.

    The most basic pattern you can recognize is how the world superimposes/synthesizes thesis and antithesis together. Everything and nothing together, for example. Life and death together. Joy and sadness together. High and low together. Good and evil together. Long and short together. Always hedging its bets. Once it is seen how this mocks and kills you [cancels you out], you will be less inclined to tolerate it. And that's good news.

    #27     Oct 24, 2008
  8. bronks



    Where A is you(me)
    And B the physical human body
    And C being "enlightened/free/one all/ whatever..."

    I still don't see how you can get from A to C without passing through B, and everything that B has to offer/distract-------->

    Which tells me:

    1. incremental (relative) passages through B have a direct link to C (no bypass)

    2. Therefore, B is specifically constructed

    * Don't mean to Hijack this thread. We can do this elsewhere.
    #28     Oct 24, 2008
  9. Anybody see any similarity between I am's communication patterns and an AI communication processing program? Though I have to confess alot of your ideas are thought provoking.
    #29     Oct 24, 2008
  10. Good questions.

    A. You(me) are "home". Now. Each has fulfilled his part in the "plan of salvation", which stitches the Son of God back together. It is accomplished...finished. This was just as true 2000 years ago as it is today. The body concept lingers in time until the identity attached to it lays itself aside and takes up its truth instead, fulfilling its unique function in the plan of salvation as it exits the world *stage right* [opposite stage left, which leads back into the drama as another role player].

    Eternity...the will of God...does not wait on time. Time is a joke. Time merely waits on your will to end your experience of it. If you seem to experience time, it is because in time, you are still curious about what it seems to offer you. Yes, this is a real mind-bender, but then, confusion is what the world is all about. Do not be discouraged that this is confusing. All it means is that the world is perfectly fulfilling the function you asked it to perform: to confuse the hell out of you. You have already consented to the plan of salvation, and fulfilling your role is what gives you the most joy while time seems to be your experience.

    B. The physical human body is a mental construct within our mind, an unnatural expression of power...unlimited power. The human body is a tool our mind conjures up to temporarily decieve itself. To that end, it works perfectly. It is an engine of destruction within our mind. Speaking from knowledge [beyond this world], our mind was not destroyed by it, nor changed by it. My role in salvation was to demonstrate the indestructibility of the mind of the Son of parable and parody...using the body as a symbol of our mind. What happened to my body is what our mind experiences as it enters and exits time. Time tortures our mind, mocks it, and threatens to kill it. Time ends when we *wake up*..."resurrect"...from the fantasy of victimhood. It is important to note that I woke up before the crucifixion/resurrection/ascension parody sequence which was a demonstrative teaching aid. As such, it was not a path of suffering since truth is a natural analgesic.

    So where is the body? In reality, there is no such thing as "place" because place symbolizes a limit, and there are no limits in reality. So the body must be nothing...nowhere. Place is an imaginary concept within our mind. It is actually meaningless. Meanwhile, our mind is everything and everywhere. The body is a mask which deliberately blocks our view of everything everywhere, blinding us to what IS. In this sense we "live and move and breath in Christ", but we do not see Christ [reality, truth] while we see bodies. Seeing bodies, we see death instead, which is not the truth. Get it?

    In reality there is no such thing as "seeing". Seeing is for a limited view. Knowledge is the norm, which simply knows all and experiences the totality always. So *eyes* were specifically designed to blind while appearing to "see". Is that not a mockery? And what is mockery but a jest...a crazy joke taken to its meaningless "far out" outer limits. Here again is the strange pattern the world expresses by thesis/antithesis: Seeing and not seeing...together, superimposed. Eyes that don't see. Get it? It cancels out knowledge which is the function of the world: To cancel knowledge and certainty, and to replace it with ignorance and doubt. Very confusing indeed. And yet, eyes see exactly what you wanted to see. The question comes back to: Is this still what you want [to see]? Eyes see nothing as if it were actually something. How is this different from delusion, from hallucination...from a dream?

    C. To be free is to know yourSelf as you are. This means to be free of limits. Your Self is unlimited. The body is a limit. So freedom is to be rid of the body. The body is the "prison" from which the "truth" sets you "free". Freedom is not the ability to drive from Los Angeles to New York. That is a thesis that mimics freedom. It seems to have meaning relative to its antithesis: incarceration. And as with all the theses the world offers, none are the truth. It's carrot and stick. The theses are the carrots, and the antitheses are the sticks. Pleasure and pain...together. The pleasure is not the truth and the pain is not the truth. The good is not the truth, and the evil is not the truth. Its all hypothetical. And this is for snaring you within illusions. It's very distracting, able to keep beautiful minds bound for millenium. It is succesful to the extent that it confuses you about what you really want. This is imperative to its design because your will is king, and so it must be cornered under "check mate". Congratulate yourself, therefore, for damn near accomplishing the impossible: the imprisonment of the Son of God. At best you can pretend a stale-mate. Let us not underestimate the Houdini-like Power that enables the Son of God to escape his own traps.

    Enlightenment is when the blocks which hide the light are removed from your mind. And when they are removed, you can "see" because it is light, and not dark. Dark is the symbol of confusion and doubt. Light is the symbol of clarity and certainty. Light and dark together are a thesis/antithesis. The light of the world is not the truth, and the dark is not the truth either. To see the light is to see "me", which is also to see "you". We are not different. The first light you see upon enlightenment are perhaps light shining from beyond the edges of objects. There are various light experiences that come and go. You may, for example, see great rays of light shining from where your neighbors body seems to be located. These stretch as if to the heavens, as if a great pillar of light stretched unlimited. The awesomeness of these kinds of jaw-dropping sights may drop you to your knees as if to worship. Yet these sights show you symbols of what you are, so that you may accept what you are. Once you see such a sight, the body loses much of it's attraction, gradually freeing you from the desire to see the body. When you are free of the desire to see the body, you are free to see the light always. You may then see the true antithesis of this world...another world just beyond...which pictures "home". It is not home, but it is the way home. It presents only the theses which represent heaven. It is "me" and "you" percieved correctly [righteously]. Like the world of darkness, the world of light is one of perception and symbols. It is for deciding to return "home", back to the realm of total knowledge. In that realm, you are the light, being everything that is real. Upon return to knowledge, the worlds of perception are forgotten, as if they never were, and perception never was. Even salvation has no meaning to knowledge. Its as if time never happened...never interupted eternity and its constant joy. Speaking from knowledge, this world never happened.

    #30     Oct 25, 2008