Gavin Newsom fighting the right fight

Discussion in 'Politics' started by UsualName, Sep 28, 2022.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I'm not talking about how Rudy is now. I'm talking about what he did when he became mayor.

    Police presence brings in revenue through consumers that gets taxed, providing more revenue to the city that they then can deploy to development and more police, repeating the cycle. Eventually, if done right, cities can prosper.
    #31     Nov 30, 2022
  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I respectfully disagree with most of your statements in this post.
    #32     Nov 30, 2022
  3. everybody loved him back a NYer we knew about Rudy back when he was prosecuting the Mob... we grew up with Rudy and trump.

    Rudy become something completely crazy and opposite what he was....trump was well known in NY before Apprentice and he is.exactly as we knew him :).
    #33     Nov 30, 2022
    gwb-trading likes this.
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Alright, I've tried to point out that this isn't about how Rudy is now, but you seem to want to talk about just that.

    All I was doing is showing how a mayor can effect real change on a city.
    #34     Nov 30, 2022
  5. As a mayor Giuliani was extremely popular, even before 9/11. He lost his popularity as he tried to fit in with the national GOP. Politics used to be more local, but we see candidates more and more who are running with the national platform. They tend to have no shot in a general election. Look at MA and MD. They just had very popular moderate Republican governors. Their terms were up so the GOP in those states nominated a couple of extremists who got their asses handed to them. When Phil Scott retires in VT, I wonder who they will nominate to take his place. It's really hard to imagine a Republican winning the mayoral race in a major Democratic city today. Even after all the years of Democratic corruption in LA, they went with Bass over somebody seen to have too many ties to Republicans. There are a few Democrats who know how to win in red states by focusing on local issues like Manchin, Tester, and Peltola, but they are the exception rather than the rule.
    #35     Nov 30, 2022

  6. Well it also isnt just about Rudy, you said people dont like we dont, he was loved back then by us NYers.

    ..but a major trend in NYC that is completely separate from the party of who was in office. Rudy was a Republican, Bloomberg was a Democrat disguising himself as a Rep to win after Rudy and De Blasio is a Democrat. The trope that GOP reduces crime and Dem increases crime is the political argument which is what I am attacking. The downward crime trend in NYC is based on many factors and I argue it has nothing to do with the party. Economic development is the best method to improve conditions of a city and reduce crime across the entire city. Yes you can add police to a bad area and clean it up long term change comes from investment and economic growth and these items are promoted by any and all mayors.

    For example stop and frisk reduced crime, but crime continued to drop when it was removed also.

    How can people still argue that crime is rampant because of Dems running cities and drops when GOP runs cities. I guarantee crime will increase in any city when there is a recession or economic hardship and that is not hard to predict.

    #36     Nov 30, 2022
  7. Cuddles


    You need those plots to be made in excel and linked from twitter for the cultists to believe them Ocho.
    #37     Nov 30, 2022
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I'm not arguing about the GOP or the democrats. I'm arguing good or bad mayors have an impact on the city more than the state government does - that's all. You're welcome to do the whole my team your team thing if you want. Both teams have good leaders and both have shitty ones.

    However, on the charts you posted, Rudy had crappy numbers because of two major things - it takes time to reverse the trend, and your numbers are showing all numbers of his entire time in office, and he took over when crap was pretty bad. And secondly, you'll have more felonies when you decide to prosecute more. Reminds me of how the San Fran DA was trumpeting that robbery crime was actually down in San Fran, but it ended up being because they stopped arresting people for it. That doesn't actually mean crime is down.
    #38     Nov 30, 2022

  9. I dont think Rudy had crappy numbers,... NYC in the late 1980s became a shit hole for a while...took some time before the internet boom and retail came back.
    #39     Nov 30, 2022
  10. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I'm just responding to the chart you posted.
    #40     Dec 1, 2022