Gann Theory Chat

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by WDGann, Apr 8, 2003.

  1. Yes, but the derivative I use of it generates trading signals just once or twice a week or so. I caught almost whole last monday's afternoon sellof thanks to it. Useless yesterday and today.
    #51     Apr 9, 2003
  2. "pure" gann theory is an impossible. after reading the gann courses you realize they are INCOMPLETE.

    You are NOT going to achieve 90% winning ratio or 200% in two weeks just parroting Gann materials.

    Personal interpretation and elaboration is unavoidable if you want to get something useful out of it. My guess is that it was Gann's intention to leave them that way so the student EARNED his system.

    Gann purists never make any money, I can't see how, given the fact that "pure" Gann is incomplete and useless.

    That's why I use custom software, it captures my personal interpretation and includes several "tricks" not mentioned by Gann, but I am quite sure he knew them at least some of them, he just didn't tell. Gann material was basically just an starting point for me.

    About your other questions, they are very good and I hope Taikeshi answers them for you some day :D :D :D
    #52     Apr 9, 2003
  3. So how can you say they are BS (as you posted as the beginning of the thread) without listening first to what they have to say??? :confused: :confused:
    #53     Apr 9, 2003
  4. Could you show some screen shots?

    #54     Apr 9, 2003
  5. I have noticed that if you use all of the Gann rules to form a cluster, you won't get many signals, but the ones you get will be very profitable.:)

    I got the cluster idea from Connie Brown, in her book.
    #55     Apr 9, 2003
  6. Interesting......HMMMM.........

    Gann purists never make money because they're analysts and not traders.

    I agree with personal interpretation. Maybe it's too COMPLETE that we don't understand. You can relate so many things to his materials so it's hard. It might seem INCOMPLETE because it might be really COMPLETE. COMPLETE and INCOMPLETE are like HOT and COLD. It depends on the degree or what KYBALION calls "THE PRINCIPLES OF POLARITY." This is one of Gann's recommended reading books.


    What's "Pure" Gann?

    Well....I'm not a Gann Trader but studied Gann in my early trading career. I don't use any Gann tools anymore but it really helped me develop a strong market feel.

    Good Trade.

    #56     Apr 9, 2003
  7. You can trade more often if you find smaller time cycles.

    #57     Apr 9, 2003
  8. :D :D :D
    Truth is, I'm lazy.

    Once I get the Gann cluster together at the weekly level, I just trade that.

    I have tried trading on the 12 minute level, but if you really do it the way Gann wants it done, that is just too much darned work!
    #58     Apr 9, 2003
  9. Agree...

    I don't use Gann because I'm lazy. LOL:)

    If you really want to use Gann, cycles are really important. You can't put angles correctly and can't read Master Charts correctly if you don't see cycles on charts.

    #59     Apr 9, 2003
  10. nkhoi


    T. it start making some sense already, bravo for taking the lead[​IMG]
    #60     Apr 9, 2003